Skid pan for clubs


The West Herts School of Motoring, of Two Waters Road, Hemel Hempstead, Herts, which claims to have the first privately-owned skid pan in this country, is now making the skid pan available to motoring clubs. The circular skid track is situated on the outskirts of Bovingdon Airport and is suitable for speeds up to around 25 m.p.h. The car club hire charges will be 25s. per hour with an instructor, or 15s. per hour without an instructor, the idea being for clubs to make up parties to reduce the overall cost to members. Club members will normally take their own cars to receive instruction in the car they normally use on the road.

Two staff members tried the skid pan, using an A40, and although claiming themselves to be skilled drivers found they still had something to learn when it came to driving on slippery surfaces. Both voted it a worthwhile experience. A special compound is used which does not adhere to the tyres or bodywork so there is little risk of damage to the car.