Safety-Belt Makers

The following are the safety belts which have passed the tests of the British Standards Institution and will bear the insignia of the Institution (illustrated in the heading of this article). Endorsements by any other organisation should be ignored unless the equipment also bears the B.S.I. “kite” mark.

Irvin … Complete harness — £7 10s.
Irvin … Hip belt with one shoulder strap —  £4 15s.
Irvin … Hip belt — £3 5s.
Irving Air Chute of Great Britain Ltd., Letchworth, Herts.

Richmond … Complete harness — £12 10s.
Richmond … Hip belt with one shoulder strap — £8 10s.
Richmond … Hip belt — £6 10s. 
Michael Richmond Ltd., 69, Old Broad Street, London, E.C.2.

Autosafe … Hip belt — £4 14s.
Autosafe Ltd., 23, Heddon Street, Regent Street, London, W.1.

Britax … Diagonal shoulder strap — £4 4s. 
Britax (London) Ltd., Proctor Works, Byfleet, Surrey.

Masco G-Belt Complete harness — 6 12s. 6d.
Sole Distributors: Bradville Ltd., 6, Stratton Street, London, W.1.