Mercedes-Benz wins Monte Carlo Rally


This year’s Monte Carlo Rally was hardly a credit to Britain. She started by far the greatest number of cars and won few of the honours. All credit to Sunbeam for being the highest-placed British finisher with seventh place, and congratulations to Pat Moss and Ann Wisdom for again capturing the Coupe des Dames with their Austin A40, which beat Anne Hall’s Ford New Anglia. Beyond that, British cars did not succeed.

The Rally confirmed the excellence of the Mereedes-Benz 220SE and justified the complication of fuel injection of these fine cars – they finished 1, 2, 3, also fifth, and took the Team Prize, with D.K.W. runners-up, a German grand slam. The Mercedes-Benz 220SE is a spacious luxury car but we have heard an experienced Porsche driver say he considers he is as fast in a 220SE under conditions of difficult mountain motoring, which says much for its splendid road-holding. Last year, near Stuttgart, Motor Sport gained first-hand experience of the excellent performance of this car. All of which the Monte Carlo Rally underlined. This was the first win by Mercedes, but how convincing!

Class winners were D.K.W., Alfa-Romeo, Sunbeam, Mercedes-Benz, Volkswagen, Citroën, the French Alpine, Saab, Peugeot and Ford – excellent cars all, the sales of which should be enhanced by their excellent performance under severe winter conditions. Below we append an analysis of the results.


The 730 M.C. intends to celebrate its coming-of-age with a rally at Chateau Impney, near Droitwich, on April 24th, to which all Austin Seven owners are invited. Gymkhana-type tests and a pride-of-ownership contest will be held.


The 12-hour race at Sebring takes place this year on Saturday, March 26th. As in past years, points of this race will count towards the World Sports Cars Championship. Phil Hill, winner for the past two years, will be teamed with Cliff Allison and as this pair have already started the Season by winning the Argentine 1,000. kilometre race, the chances are that Phil may do the hat trick.


The vintage car rally to Turin in connection with the opening of the new museum holdings has been put off to 1961 but the Second “Coppa Monza” race for vintage sports cars, together with a Concours d’Elegance, will take place on May 26th, after a F.J. race in the morning. Details from Angelo Tito Anselmi, via Pagliano 31, Milan, who understands English.