CLUB NEWS, March 1956



SIX-MILE STABLE will be Reid with a new Lister

The team for this year will be Cunningham Reid with a new ListerBristol, Dimitrie Kasterine, Lotus.Bristol, and Tom Barnard with a Mk. IX Lotus. A ivrk. NI Lotus also is on Order. The familiar black-and..white colour .motif will he retained.


On February 10th the Falcon M.C. held their annual dinner. turd dance at the Homestead Court Hotel, Welwyn Garden City. The guest of honour was Desmond Scannell.


The Bridgend M.C. has recently been formed and interested parties should contact 1′. D. Payton. of Parkhurst, 50, Park Street, Bridgend, Glam.


On January 27th the Elstree Flying Club held a very informal dance party, a new venture for this enterprising organisation where vintage-car enthusiasts are to be found amongst budding aviators: The Secretary is D. F. Ogilvy. KIstre.e Aerodrome, Herts.


On March 21st the Southern Section of this Ault Will hold a film show at the Bell Inn, near Cadnum, Hants.


Once Again the Enter-Varsity Speed Trial will take plait this year at Great Dun.mow Airfield, Essex. The club was unable to. find a more appropriate ” vintage-style ” course on which to run this event, particularly as the R.A.C. insists On a tarmac surface. The date is March 11th. On March 10th the annual dinner will take place,


At the Cafe Royal, Regent Street. London, on February 10th the Volkswagen 0.C. hail their rat dinner party, at which the new Celbourne Reber Trophy was shown for the first time.


Previously announced as to take place on April 20th/21st, this event will now be run on April 21st/22nd. Information will be available from G. Hopkinson, clo North Devon M.C. H.Q., New Inn, Aluddiford, near Barnstaple.


Persons interested in a club for Ford Anglia and Prefect should contact 11. V. Mar:kitties-, Tollgate Cottage, Crawley Down, SusSex.

COHAN M.C. held at the Rembrandt

The 22nd annual dinner and dance was held at the Rembrandt Hotel, South Kensington, on Friday, February 3rd, at which there were approximately 170 members and guests.



The annual dinner-411mm was held at the Polygon Hotel, Southamps ton, on February hat. In his address, Dr. R. Vaughan Havard, Chairman of the S.W. ‘Centre, said that more and more motorists were joining the B.A.R.C., end the wide range of competitive activities the club organises is reflected by the rapidly increasing membership. which now approaches 10,000.

Air. L. F. Dyer, Vice-Chairman of the B.A.R.C. Council, proposed the toa,t to the guests and recounted many interesting anecdotes of hilone association with the club.

The Mayor of Sonthampton presented Mr. Frank Downs, of Andover. with the Victor Luclorum Trophy, which he now retains. havieg won it three years in succession. He won it for the best :dl-rmind performance in Centre events during the season.

At Easter the Scottish Sport inr, Car Club Ltd. will stage the 1956 -Sronish Daily Express Highland’ Rally. This event, which has a National permit. follows a long series of trials and rallies held annually by the S,S.C.C.

The first car will start at 8.01 p.m. on Good Friday, March 30th. There will be two starting points—Glasgow and Carlisle. During the night there will he two special navigution sections—one in SouthWestern and the other in South-Eastern Scotland. Thereafter the route will head north, with the possibility–depending upon weather —of a special mountain section, to arrive at the Rally Headquarters at Pitlochry from about 4.p.m. on Saturday, March 31st.

The Sunday section will be less severe, and will include several interesting driving tests.

On Easter Monday, the final stages of the rally will traverse the Highlands, finishing in the, late afternoon at -Gleneagles Hotel, where the provisional results will be announced in conjunction with the end-of-rally dinner.

Regulations will be available from ‘W. L. B. Callender, 100, ‘West Regent. Street. Glasgow, C.2.


The above event was run on Sunday, February 5th, and though the entry was not very large. it was generally considered a successful event. The sudden thaw made the worst possible conditions for the observed sections, though the roads were perfectly dry, and the weather overhead was ideal. This sudden change gave the organisers a headache in rearranging the .starting lines and sub-sections in order to handicap the capabilities of the three classes of vehicles. However, this appeared to have been done reasonably successfully, as the lira five ears were all within litr marks of each other, being two Saloons, two sports and 11114, special “.car. Thus it would Appear

that the ” Trally methed of in:gliding observed sections, road .sections and driving tests in the total marking worked quite well.

-The course of 73 miles ineliided two observed sections and a driving lc,’ in the morning period, with three observed sections and another driving test ill t he afternoon.

All competitors (there being Imo retirements) and most of the mai-Alai, arrived at the finish, the High Post. Hotel, near .Salisbury, where d good high tea was available, together with the results, making :dm Alaeklin in the Volkswagen a very deserving winner of the Selislony Challenge Bowl. Its.oits 1,4 (Salisbury Challenge Bowl): J. Macklin (Volkswagen). 62 marks. 2tia R. 4.R.,:kes (fintumuu tineyialy, 64 vansiu0

led: D. Hall (M.G. T1, 1,500). 64 murk. 4′ Clam. 2 sward.

• Piacg decided by limn 477A NO. 1 driving ow.


Starting at Stokenchurch. Bucks, On February 12th, the London Motor ChM Coventry Cup Trial took place on nearby hills: some snow lay on the ground making the already slippery courses even more tricky. The first special sections Were all of a similar nature. competitors having to run up a series of slopes on the side of .a bill followed by some gyrations round a marker bin and then further sections. The most spectacular attempts at mountaineering ” were made by G. J. Newman in his Cannon Seven, which is a Fonst potent nitiehilne as raolil trial-govrs will know, on this occasion he was fortunate in being able to storm up to the top of some of the hills leaving scone of hit; fellow enthusiasts still struggling on the very early sections. IL W. Faulkner in the Paul Special II woe also one of the better climbers. •particularly on the first and third hills. P. A. Barden’s’ P.A.B. started off With some snappy motoring on bill one making to section three and section six on hill three:

R. Davis entered again in his Austin Seven-engined car,. but failed to get very far, hisengine appeared to be a little temperamental and on Occasions refused to start, time Paul Special also had the ‘saute trouble before the event began, many. pairs of legs trotting behind it as they all ili,appeared toward-it London, happily to return, however. E. A. Stringer’s Dellow was unable to progress very far up the pl.‘ol.v ef power being available at the right place, but no wheel-grip we, evident so the car and occupants stayed at the bottom of nowt of the hills, although they were all trying very hard and deserved credit fur putting up slid) a sporting effort against Seemingly impossible odds.

The Co:teems in.:leg:ince Cep shonld he divided between P. A.

Barden, G. H. B. Clarke and f;. in their P.A.B.. Deeford and Cannon SVVOIL respectively, fir ,toart till w,11-finished emit; des.pite a showcr of sleet during the pylen circulating test the Weather held for traditional Fehrunty trial, cum 1.G.