The Ford controversy.



It is with great interest that I have read the recent controversial letters regarding the products of the Ford Motor Co.

As the owner of a 1954 Ford Consul I must say that I am in entire agreement with all that Messrs. English, Campbell Kemp, McGhee and Etc. have had to say, with the exception of the excellent service and responsibilities accepted by Fords through their local agent. I, too, have had a new axle, speedometer, dip-switch, coil and many other small items replaced completely free and, added to this, St. Mary’s Motor Co. placed at my disposal a car, also free of charge, whilst these repairs were being carried out.

I have become very satisfied with the performance of my car, particularly its comfort during journeys which often exceed 300 miles in one day, so much so that I have ordered another Consul to be delivered to me in June of this year.

I am, Yours, etc.

Market Harborough. Eaton Castell.