"Grand Prix Murder,"


“Grand Prix Murder,” by Douglas Rutherford, 190 pp., 4 1/2 in. by 7 1/2 in. (Collins, 14, St. James’s Place, London S.W.1. 10s. 6d.)
This light-hearted crime story (if a crime story can be so called) has a lot of very good, up-to-the-minute Grand Prix motor racing in it, complete with all-enveloping bodies, fuel-injection, inclined engines and similar Stuttgartisms. Speeds are rather on the high side, with 200 m.p.h. along the straights, which perhaps explains a frequency of thrown-treads, but the story is not unduly dramatised apart from a murder in the cockpit, and many motor-racing enthusiasts will like this book, which is a Crime Club Choice.—W. B.