Book Reviews, March 1954, March 1954

“Steam Road Vehicles,” by G. St. C. B. Davidson, Ph.D., M.Sc., F.R.S.A. 60 pp. 6 in. by 9 3/5in. (H.M.S.O., 3s. 6d.)

This illustrated book, prepared for the Ministry of Education, gives a clear, concise history of the steam road vehicle, from 1687 onwards. It includes details of licensing Acts of interest to veteran-car enthusiasts and there is a useful section, comprising the last three chapters, in which the work of various constructors from 1820 onwards, such as Gurney, Hancock, Knight of Farnham, Amédée Bollée, de Dion, Bouton, Trépardoux, Serpollet, Thornycroft, the Stanley brothers, the White brothers, Doble, etc., is detailed under these separate headings.

The appropriate motor races, etc., are referred to, but we should have liked more on steam traction engines, wagons and buses, which are dismissed in 1 1/2 pages. — W. B.

“Attention All Drivers!” by Jock Taylor. 95 pp., 5 1/2 in. by 8 1/2 in. (The Order of the Road, 55, Park Lane, W.1; 3s. 6d.)

This book is by the well-known ex-Chief Superintendent and Senior Instructor at the Metropolitan Police Motor Driving School at Hendon.

Clubmen know just how well the Hendon Police drivers are trained by having competed against them in various competitive events and they will find in this interesting book, which is clearly illustrated, a description of those methods applied to car control and “roadmanship” which assisted in reducing police-fleet accidents from one per 35,000 miles in 1939 to one per 71,300 miles on the more congested roads of 1952.

Daily inspection of vehicles is covered and a “cockpit drill” worked out for modern cars. This is something different from just another book on how to drive and should be studied with benefit even by proficient drivers. — W. B.