Oulton Park Racing Circuit
We have received the following bulletin front the Mid-Cheshire C.C.:
“The sponsors of the Oulton Park Racing Circuit are at last in a position to go ahead and build the track. The Mid-Cheshire Car Club has always been closely associated with this venture and hope to play an important role in the future administration of the circuit.
“This will, of course, necessitate a lot of hard work, and as a preliminary step we are asking for the names of volunteers who will be willing to sacrifice a great deal of their week-end spare time during the next three months to help with the necessary clearing and marking out work.
“The general idea is that the volunteer workers in the early stages will form the nucleus of a permanent body of marshals and officials who have grown up with the circuit and, therefore, know it from A-Z, and will be able to supply any information which may be required in connection with anything to do with Oulton Park.
“The Secretary will be delighted to hear from anyone who would like to join the Mid-Cheshire C.C. and is prepared to give generously of his or her free time to help get the circuit in being and organised on really efficient lines.
“For the first year or two, at any rate, the actual racing will be promoted by one of the bigger and more experienced National Clubs, as it is felt that the Mid-Cheshire C.C. has not yet got sufficient experience and knowledge to put on a big event which will attract thousands or paying spectators.
“It is essential that as much volunteer help as possible is given in the preparatory work and should not enough members be able to assist, it will be necessary to seek help from other Clubs. In this event, such other clubs will naturally wish to play a part in the future administration of the circuit and the Mid-Cheshire C.C. will lose the opportunity it now has of being the local administrative motor club. It may, in fact, become necessary to form a separate association for these administrative duties.”