Oh dear...!
“Heights of Danger,” a film made by Associated British Pathe. Ltd., for the Children’s Film Foundation, is a story with a moral in which two cars, an M.G. TD Midget and a Riley 1-1/2-litre saloon, play leading roles including some thrilling scenes based on the Alpine Motor Rally.
It is the first of a new series of films being produced for children’s Saturday morning cinema clubs and designed to replace the less desirable type of film which, it is alleged, is so often a feature of these programmes.
Running for about an hour, it tells the story of a roadside garage proprietor who is temporarily out of business because the road is being converted into a dual carriage-way. Anxious to hold on until traffic once more thunders — in greater volume than before — along the road, he enters the Alpine Rally with his M.G. Midget in a courageous bid to win the £500 prize. Despite foul play on the part of the crooks (competing in their Riley 1-1/2-litre saloon) who wish to wrest the goldmine garage from him, virtue triumphs over evil and after many narrow escapes, the M.G. wins through.