V.C.C. A.G.M.



On February 10th the Veteran Car Club of Great Britain, Ltd., held their A.G.M. at the S. Kensington Hotel.

After an excellent bullet lunch, the formal part of the proceedings took place, a record attendance of members emphasising the ever-growing popularity of veteran motoring. There was a great deal of business to be done, but the formidable agenda WAS got through expeditiously, thanks to the efficiency of the chairman, Commander Philip Shaw, and the president, Mr. G. James Aliday.

Unfortunately, Mrs. Shuttleworth was unable to be present, and so the formal presentation of the Shuttleworth Trophy to the club WU performed by Lord Charnwood. Another new trophy, kindly presented by S. S. Kaye, was also added to the club’s collection, which must be by far the finest and most valuable owned by any motoring club In the country. The presentation of the 1950 awards was made by Mrs. Allday, and a silver salver was given to Mr. and Mrs. Hutton-Stott for their very great services to the club. Tea was followed by a film show, and as this WAS organised by ” Antone ” Curtis, it is needless to remark that it was excellent, We have received the following letter from the Club :— Sir,

Regarding the statement in the current issue of MOTOR SPORT, there has been no change in the. Secretaryship of the Club. Mr. Julian Jane is General Events Secretary and has taken Mr. Hutton Stott’s place, our termer Hon. Events Secretary.

I wonder whether you would be so kind as to have this corrected in the next issue. I am, Yours etc.,

M. RiDeToR, Secretary. [We have long associated Jane with rather hairy vintage sports ears but not with veterans, and we can well imagine, therefore, that, while he may be well-fitted-to organise competitions, he would not wish to take on the secretaryship of a club whose activities are of a specialised nature and which Mary Rtetton has served so well for so long. Our apologies to both parties /—Eo.I

Another issue of the Gazette appeared last month, containing a very pleasing account of EdeurdIans in the Alps by R. Barker. The Gazelle’s editor Is 1.). C. Field, whose name our printers rendered incorrectly in the last issue AS Freed.