Book Review

“More Wheelspin,” by C. A. IV. May (Foulis, 8s. 6d.)

This is a welcome sequel to May’s earlier book about the trials-driving experiences of himself and his friends, “Wheelspin.” “More Wheelspin” takes us from the resumption of trials post-war, up to their demise with the Government’s ill conceived cancellation of “basic” in 1947.

Although May writes in the first person, the results of all the more important events are given; indeed, the book contains a valuable tabulated list of drivers’ individual performances. It is well printed, beautifully illustrated and runs to 192 pages. An index would have been appreciated.

May includes plenty of technical description of competing cars to leaven his story and he writes outspokenly, so that in this book there is little necessity to read “between the lines.” His spectating impressions of a few speed events are mingled with accounts of his trials, and experiences in the 1947 Alpine Rally are incorporated. This is a very worth-while book, in which well-known drivers amongst one’s friends and acquaintances are met on every page. Moreover, the only errors this critic spotted were reference to a detachable head on a Type 40 Bugatti and the endowment of Macdermid with a moustache as well as his ex-naval. beard. —W. B.