


May I comment on the following points from your January issue ?

(1) Mr. Green should get into touch with Mr. F. II. Rambling, 20, GreyShiels Avenue, Headingley, Leeds, who will tell him all about the Vauxhall-Bugatti. Mr. Hambling fitted the 1922 Vauxhall T.T. 3-litre engine into the ” 4.9 ” Bugatti chassis—very neat job, too.

(2) I would chide Mr. W. G. S. Wike for the .statement that the 1,100-e.c. H.R.G. does as much as 3;000 r.p.m. at 60 m.p.h. This would be O.K. for the 1,500-c.c. Meadows job, but the standard 1,100-c.c. geared 4.8 (?) would do about 48 m.p.h. at 3,000 r.p.m., and 60 m.p.h. is about 3,750 r.p.m.

(3) Engine design in 1909. The mounting of the airscrew on the camshaft was used quite extensively in 1914-18 on the R.A.F. (Royal Aircraft Factory) 90 h.p. (a V8) and 140 h.p. (a V12) (cast-iron air-cooled cylinder, side inlet and overhead exhaust), the design being ” cribbed ” from the 20-h.1:). Renault and made by several motor-car makers—I remember seeing one by Austin’s. (4) Remarks in “Rumblings ” on desirable cruising speeds, etc. Taking the accepted safe piston speed of 2,500 f.p.m. for cruising, I have worked out a few examples (approximate figures, but near enough for comparison) :

IC P.M. at Gear

Car 2,50o f.p.m. Ratio ‘M.P.H. ” T ” Midget 102 3,750 4,8 60

1/ 11.11.0. 100 3,800 4 78

1/ Brescia Bug. 100 3,800 3.5 86 1/ Aston-Martin 99 3,800 1.66 68

1,100-e.e. 05 3,900 4.8 63 “TB ” Midget 90 4,200 5.2 60 Laneiii A prilia 83 4,400 4 88

Therefore it would appear that, apart from vintage cars (which are pretty good at high-speed cruising), there are only two moderns under 1,500 c.c. capable of the desired performance, i.e., 70 m.p.h. cruising. Osst tt, I am, Yours etc.,

Yorks. J. A. FAwCETT. [A letter from Mr. Hambling is published in this issue ; the 4i-litre Vauxhall Villiers engine is involved, not the 3-litre T.T. engine. We believe the 1,100-c.c. H.R.G. makes about 51-52 ni.p. h. with 4.55 to I axle ratio and 4.75′ X 17″ tyres.—Ed.] Stroke