Club News, March 1940



The Cambridge University Automobile Club, which organizes, amongst other important events, the Syston Speed Trials, feels that it might well fade out altogether after the war, if none of the present members is then in residence. Consequently, members are being earnestly requested to subscribe 5/- a year while the war continues, to enable posters and other such matter to be prepared, whereby Freshmen and others may be reminded of the Club’s existence. There will then also be a fund on which to draw when post-war activities are sought. Members are requested to get together about 8.15 p.m. on Friday evenings at the “Still,” beside the Victoria Cinema, and there is to be another dinner for members and friends on Saturday, March 9th, at the Red Lion Hotel, Cambridge, at 7.45 p.m. Tickets will cost 8/6 each, or 10/- to non-members, and several well-known motoring personalities will be guests of the Club. Tickets should be applied for at once, and an attempt will be made to refund money on unused tickets if notice is given in advance. It is just possible that a competitive event will be held this term, or next. As no clubroom is available, the secretary has all motoring periodicals open to inspection by members at his rooms at any time—a very generous gesture. We hope the C.U.A.C. obtains the support it deserves.

Hon. Secretary: C. N. S. Pringle, 10, Park Parade, Cambridge.


At first, when war was declared, the Bugatti Owners’ Club cancelled all social and sporting fixtures, seeking only to keep Prescott open for immediate use at the cessation of hostilities—hence our Editorial note to this effect in “Things in General” in the last issue. However, on February 23rd, it held a dinner, for a very modest fee, at the R.A.C., and afterwards there was the usual display of Club films. A war issue of “Bugantics,” produced in the former quality style, reveals that one of the 1923 tank-bodied G.P. Bugattis is preserved at the Bugatti works, and that for the preservation of the said works a very fully equipped fire-engine is kept, mounted on a Type 44 Bugatti chassis. In view of the fact that the dinner has been held as in times of peace, could not the next fixture, the Opening Rally, be staged? The venue has been getting gradually nearer to London of recent years, and if held at a place about twenty miles out, we believe quite a successful gathering of enthusiasts would attend.

Hon. Secretary: E. L. Giles, 2, Queen Street, Mayfair, W.1.


Some fifty people attended the Annual General Meeting in Birmingham on January 26th. Len Taylor and H. J. Manzoni take new places on the committee and F. S. Whitworth, donor of three successive Colmore Cups, becomes an honorary life

member. A social is spoken of before the winter is over and—extremely interesting—it is hoped to hold a car trial when the evenings draw out. A weekday is mentioned, but surely even a short distance event would be better held at a week-end?


A supper dance, similar to the highly successful Boxing Day Party, was held on February 22nd.


A dinner and dance was held at the Bull Hotel, Gerrards Cross, on February 17th.


A dinner and dance, at which plenty of “trials chat” was encouraged, was held at Ruislip, on February 9th.


The annual supper and prize distribution took place at headquarters on February 28th.


A supper dance was held at Perivale on February 23rd.