

The Ford Motor Co. Ltd. has been displaying a 1906 Model-N Ford touring car in dealers’ showrooms about the country. We saw this car in the Streatham and Putney showrooms of Messrs. Adlards Motors Ltd., and were interested to note, that, unlike the immortal model-T, it had transverse suspension at the front only, rear suspension being by means of full-elliptic springs. The 20 h.p., four cylinder engine has an exposed flywheel at the forward end of the crankshaft and the water pump is located ahead of the radiator, on the starting handle side. Transmission is by epicyclic gear to a substantial rear axle. The radiator is set well forward and resembles that of the pre-war model-T, and the fixed

wheels have non-detachable rims. The screen has a folding top-panel, reaching to a great height when erect. The Ford. Enthusiasts’ Club reports knowing of at least eight model-T Fords with passenger bodywork, one of which is a 1928 twoseater in really fine order and another a 1912 landaulette in running trim. The type was direontinued about twelve years ago.