Club News, March 1939


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On Sunday, Pebruary 5th, the Kentish Border C.C. and Maidstone and MidKent Bossom Trophy Trials were run jointly. Forty-six cars took part. The first hill, Wood Lane, was a real mud patch. E. Sharp’s Morgan, J. Sharp’s Morgan coupe, Stiles’s M.G., WoodDow’s Le Mans Singer, Booth’s M.G., Kane’s M.G., Naar’s Ford V8 and Meyrat’s Standard Eight were amongst those who failed early. In contrast Hutchison’s V12 Allard just made it, and Sydney Allard’s V8 Allard with very attractive racing-style bodywork, was very rapid and well handled. Murkett’s M.G. climbed fast and strongly, likewise Silcock’s Ford V8, while Price blipped his1Ford V8 over the top in a good climb. Henniug’s Ford Ten did a splendid ascent, Lawson’s H.R.G. was clean, and Cook’s M.G. and Wood’s 328 B.M.W. were both outstanding. Wicken just got his doorless S.S.1 saloon over the top, aided by white racing overalls, a megaphone exhaust and a big racing number on his attendant M.G. Hield (M.G.) started in second gear and got half-way up (sections were used), as did Baker’s Hillman, Epps’s ancient Chrysler saloon with its detachable rims, Dtua.kley’s Morris and Matthews’s Hillman. Leslie Johnson’s 328 B.M.W. was steadily successful—its exhaust outlet is now led to a gap in the leading edge of the rear wheel fairing. The laughter of the spectating yokels indicated how foolish bogged cars look to those who are not trials’ fanatics. The Thuntham special test saw Allard win his class in 17.6 secs., with Lawson as fast in the 1i-litre category, and Wood-Dow’s Singer best in its own category, in 21.6 secs. Coldharbour and Allington were not very difficult and twenty-three cars stopped on Temple. Litneworks was inclined to be lenient and so competitors came to Upinturn. Trials organisers have forsaken the stony steeps for slimy lanes and, still not content, now use the slippery sides of acutely inclined fields. Such is Upinturn. Last year comp.-shod motors shied at it and Hutch. and Allard leapt mightily from the final gulley. This time, on plain tyres, it was both easier and less deeply-gullied. Hutchison, Allard, Johnson, Wood and Silcock gained the very summit, the last named by going off at a tangent and executing a vast detour just as he was about to fail. Lawson and Andrews (H.R.G. and M.G.), nearly got up and Yates’s Austin Seven did very well. Many other excellent efforts were noted. Emtnins (M.G.) picked a careful course, but Henning lost oil pressure after a good climb, and Hield’s M.G. was cutting out. A grim moment occured when Baker reversed his Vauxhall into a girl marshal. Tea was taken at the” Swan “at Charing, where the service was not so good as on

a previous trial. Doubtless the absence of hot food was due to the organisers specifying tea only, because competitors had lunch at the same spot. But there wasn’t a lot of tea to eat and what of officials who had no time for lunch ? However, excellent free refreshment was served at Sutton Valence Engineering Works Garage by lady club members before the start—other clubs please copy. When we read in the programme that C. R. Y. King was to drive a FrasherNash we were glad no free beer was included !

RESULTS Bossom Trophy Trial member

Bossom Trophy (best performance by member of organizing chub): C. 0. Jackson (1,292 c.c. M.G.)

Kathleen Jupp Trophy (best performance by member of invited club): S. H. Allard (3,622 c.c. Allard-Special).

Founders’ Cup (best performance by saloon car): L. J. Hollingsworth (1,172 c.c. Ford).

Team Award : S. H. Allard and K. N. Hutchison (both driving Allard Specials).

First-Class Awards : L. G. Johnson (1,971 c.c. Frazer-Nash-B.M.W.), H, Wood (1,971 c.c. FraserNash-B.M.W.), K N. Hutchison (4,37$ c.c. Allard Special), 1). Cl. Silcock (3,622 c.c. Ford), M. H. Lawson (1,497 c.c. Meadows H.R.G.), R. Emmins (847 c.c. M.G.).

Second-Class Awards : R. M. Andrews (039 c.c. M.O.), V. S. A. Biggs (1,911 c.c. Frazer-NashB.M.W., S.), D. Murkett 039 c.c. MD., 8,), R. M. Henning (1,099 c.c. L.M.B. Ford, S.), R. E. Rushbrook (1,292 c.c. M.G., S.), 1). II. ?erring (1,092 c.c. Talbot 8.), E. G. S. Cook (1,292 c.c. M.G.), R. H. meld (1,294 c.c. M.G., 8.). Stafford Clarke Cup Trial

Stafford Clarke Cup (best performance) : S. H. Allard (3,622 c.c. Allard-Special).

Alexander Trophy (best performance in opposite class) : It. M. Andrews (939 c.c. M.G.).

First-Class Awards : K. N. Hutchison (4,378 c.c. Allard-Special), D. G. Silcock (3,622 c.c. Ford).

Second-Class Awards : R. M. Henning (1,099 c.c. L.M.B. Ford, 8.), R. B. Rushbrook (1,292 c.c. M.G., S.).


Allard and Boddy having obligingly cancelled the proposed trial in the Chilterns on February 19th, on account of congestion in that area, discovered that the Berkhamsted and D. M.C. had transferred its trial of February 19th to March 12th, the day which the F.E.C. had fixed with the R.A.C. for its Croydon Rally. Moreover the Berkhamsted Club invited four out of the five clubs which the F.E.C. proposed to invite and did not notify the F.E.C. of the clash as the R.A.0 usually insists a club should do. As a result, the F.E.C. has transferred Its Rally to Sunday, March 26th. It will be held at the Autodrome, as before, and comprise a series of tests and a 300 yard speed trial. The individual aggregate times will count for placings. There will be classes for V8, 8 h.p. and 10 h.p. Ford cars, saloon cars, and all makes of car, divided into, up to, and over, If litre classes. There will be place awards in each category, with a best-performance Challenge Trophy, and an F.E.C. Challenge Trophy. There will be no team award. A prize will be given for the best show by a passenger-bodied model T, or pre-war, Ford. car. Entries close on. March 18th and cost 7/6 for F.E.C. members, and 10/for invited clubs per car first entry, and 5/per class in both

instances for subsequent entries. The invited clubs ar…! N.W. London M.C., Kentish Border C.C., M.G. C.C., Great West M.C. and Southsea M.C. The surface is concrete and comp.tyres may be used up thereon. The tests are designed to try car as well as driver and in the speed tests sports-cars exceed 65 m.p.h. over the line. There are excellent facilities for spectators and ample-car parking space, and non-competitors who are not F.E.C. members will be charged 6d. per head and 1/for use of the carpark. The start will be at 1 p.m. Last year an entry of fifty-two was obtained and best performance was made by M. S. Soanaes (Ford V8). Fastest time in the sprint was made by Soames and Alan May (30/98 Vauxhall) in 11.2 sees. Full catering will be available to the public. Entries to : W. Boddy, 21, Lucien Road,

S.W.17. The Club has issued a folder explaining its aims and objects and what it offers for a 13/subscription and entry fee. Copies can be had, post-free, from the Hon. Secretary : S. H. Allard, 15, Millbrooke Court, S.W.15.


The Mixed Trial on February 19t attracted the extremely good entry o fifty-nine cars—perhaps because the Club was lucky to have a “clear Sunday” for its event. What a pity it is that big trials which clash cannot be combined. On March 19th the Margate and D. Wye Cup Trial and the Great West M.C. London-Bournemouth Trial clash and we shall be surprised if either gets so good an entry as this Chiltern C.C. event. The actual support forthcoming was : Chiltern C.C. sixteen, N.W. London M.C. ten, M.G. C.C. ten, J.C.C. eight, Standard C.O.C. seven and F.E.C. six—and four

teen entries had to be returned. At Seagrave’s Farm, a straight, narrow muddy lane which looked easy but was actually quite deceptive, Price (Morris) was assisted over the summit by the excellent bouncing of his passenger. Pluckroses’s S.S. stopped low down, Lewin’s blown M.G. and DykeAcland’s blown ex-” Musketeer” M.G. were successful, and Thwaites’s T-type M.G. stopped early. Humphreys, with his passenger on the stern, was very excellent with a 750 c.c. M.G., Murkett used lots of engine to coax his blown PB M.G. to the top, Miss Redfern (H.R.G.) ascended slowly, likewise Hutchison with the V12 Allard, and Canham climbed very fast with a V8 Allard, cutting out for a dog at the top and picking up strongly. Burroughs made a fine show with his still further shortened and now very potent Ford V8 Special, Wood’s 328 B.M.W. was rapid, field’s blown M.G. excellent, Richards’s Special Rover fast and Henning’s Vaux hall saloon extremely neat. Worth’s Riley stopped and boiled, the PansySpecial was slow, Ca.ssey’s M.G. failed high up, Frey’s M.G. and Miss Martin’s Standard saloon both stopped and

Fletcher ‘s ‘M . G. failed low down. Truett’s lusty 2i-1itre S.S. ran crabwise and finally failed, Cox’s Standard Eight saloon stopped, but Perkins’s H.R.G. got up well and Burrage was successful with his T-type M.G. Milbourn’s Riley and Somerville’s Aston-Martin both blotted their copy-books, Claridge ‘s Frazer-Nash got half-way and Rhodes, rushing the bottom section made an excellent climb with his Standard. E. G. S. Cook’s M.G. went up well, Barrow (M.G.) tried hard, and Wade’s Vauxhall saloon just made it, passenger bouncing from the rear bumper, hanging to a rope across the roof—will bouncing become of paramount importance in this compless age ? Biggs made probably the fastest ascent of all, with his B.M.W., Lawson (MeadowH.R.G.) was really good, but Ginn’s V8 Ford, Cleland’s beautiful Ulster Aston-Martin and Lund’s S.S. all regis tered failures. Watt’s Wolseley was successful, also Ballard’s 850 M.G. and Laudet got up very nicely with his Wolseley-Hornet. Of the rerhainder, all failed, though Edmondson (M.G.) tried hard. The afternoon was devoted to special tests. We observed the figureeight cum Parking Test, held in a cinema yard and recall that Burroughs drove very nicely and that Miss C. E. Martin was

outstanding as to driving ability. A big S.S. very definitely ran out of road, or rather concrete, falling heavily in waste ground, the Pansy-Special cast asunder its transmission and Lewin’s M.G. smashed its rear-axle. In this test best time went to Perkins (H.R.G.) in 32.6 secs. and Burroughs and Lawson tied for second fastest time in 32.8 secs. A cheery crowd sat down for tea at the “King’s Arms,” Amersham—which some folk say is the best part of slime-storm outings.


The Coventry Cup Trial utilised the hills of Kent and weather conditions robbed them of their severity. There were twenty starters. Lawson’s H.R.G. and Hutchison and Allard (Allards) were impressive on Whitehorse, where Hield’s M.G. mis-fired, Lewis’s Riley stopped and Henning damaged the exhaust manifold of his Ford when the pipe hit

an obstruction. The Beechy Lees acceleration decided things and Leslie Johnson’s 328 B.M.W. tied with Burroughs (Ford V8) for best time, both clocking 7.8 secs. Knatts’ Valley stopped nearly everyone, but Dargue and Johnson with B.M.W.s, Lawson’s Meadows-H.R.G., and the Allards found it beneath contempt. The Team Award went to the Ford Enthusiasts’ Club Team.

RESULTS Over 1,100 c.c. Class Cup : S. H. Allard (Allard-Special).

Coventry Cup : S. H. Allard (Allard-Special). Runner-up : l G. Johnson (Frazer-Nash-B.M.W.). Pint-Class Awards : M. H. Lawson (H.R.O.), K. N. Hutchison (Allard-Special), D. G. SlIcoek (Ford vs),

C. 0. Jackson (M.G.), D. W. Price(lord V8), . L. Burmughes (Ford V8), T. W. Dargue (Framr-Nash

B.M.W .). Second-Class Awards : MTS. H. Wood (Fraser-.N ash

B.M.W.), C. R. . king (Fraser-Nash).

Third-Class Award : H. F. Meld (M.G.). Under 1,100 c.c. Class

Whittingham Trophy : G. F. Pcntony (M.G.).

Runner-up : H. L. Hadley (Austin).

First-Class Award : D. Murkett.

Third-Class Award ‘ • F. _H. Bacon (Singer).

Team Award : Ford Enthusiasts’ Club (S. H. AIWA,.

K. Hutchison, 1). A. Sileock).


We are all in favour of race-meetings for the clubman and are consequently pleased to note that the Stanley Cup competition of the Frazer-Nash C.C. is to be revived on April 15th at the Crystal Palace road course, using The “short ” circuit. This is essentially an inter club speed event. The organisers will be the Frazer-Nash and B.M.W. C.C., assisted by the Vintage S.C.C., who will presumably cancel their Donington fixture of the same date. This will be the first club meeting at the London road circuit and residents in the Southern Counties will feel much easier about getting home the same day if motors go sick. See you at the Palace circuit on April 15th? Details from : W. H. Aldington, Falcon Works, Loudon Road, Isleworth,

750 CLUB

The suggestion, published exclusively in MOToR SPORT last month, that Austin henchmen should form a club of their own, met with a response of nineteen eager prospective supporters within a week of publication. Moreover, many people promised the support of friends. A live chief is now wanted to arrange an informal meeting. If such a person is forthcoming before this issue appears, or before the April issue is published, all those who have written to ‘ W.B.” can rest assured that he will notify them individually.


The 1939 Handbook and Fixture List has been issued. The membership roll stands at 243—but we believe it is a trifle dated. Of this number, the following hold Club Pennants for Very Distinguished Service :—J. D. Aylward, K. W. Bear, J. Lemon-Burton, Jean Bugatti, Ettore Bugatti, W. J. Brunell, J. K. W. Baines, A. Baron, G. G. Bachelier, J. R. Crouch, J. 0. Crowther, R. A. Cookson, C. I. Craig, T. B. C. Davis, F. J. Fielding, A. Fawcett, Miss Fawcett, Col. Giles, Eric Giles, Mrs. Garstin, Earl Howe, 0. Harris, Major Hillersdon, C. W. P. Hampton, F. Heaton, J. D. Jevons, L. Keevil, Lt. Kidston, D. B. Madeley, G. E. Mayo-Smith, R. Marker, D. Monro, B. J. F. Malcolinson, J. Morley, J. Perks, Lt.-Col. Sorel, J. S. Steele, V. L. Seyd, K. M. Simmons, It C. W. Stapleton, G. Dudley-Smith, R. W. Shakspeare, C. E. Stapleton, Miss Strain, Mrs. Wild, Mrs. Lind-Walker and A. P. Walsham. Three new trophies are offered for this season—the Monro Marshall’s Trophy for the most meritorious service by a marshal, the Lnvicta Challenge Trophy for the best

performance in the Night Trial, and the Jacques Challenge Cup for the best kept Invicta at the opening Rally. The Rally takes place at Huntingdon on April 16th—not -April 9th as originally planned. Membership of the B.O.C. costs £2 2s. per annum, with £2 2s. entry fee for Bugatti owners and ;63 3s. entry fee and L3 3s. annual subscription for non-Bugatti owners.

Hon. Sec. : E. L. Giles, 2, Queen. Street, Mayfair, W.1.


With the R.A.C. ban on competition. tyres the question of which cover is the best wear for trials becomes a matter of vital interest. On the combined Bossom Trophy Trial and Stafford Clark Trial of February 5th a census of thirty out of the forty-six competitors showed a preference as follows, for rear-wheel wear : Dunlop Freighter : G. H. Wicken (S.S.), E. G. S. Cook (M.G.), C. E. Truett (S.S.), E. Sharp (Morgan),

D. Kane (M.G.), and 1). Murkett (M.G.).

Dunlop Standard, or ” 90 ” : J. Parker (Lancia), S. Sadly (Ford V8), L. Hollingsworth (Ford Ten),„ S. Baker (Hillman), S. Epps (Chrysler), J. Sharp (Morgan) and L. Baker (Vauxhall).

Michelin ” Stop ” : H. Wood (B.M.W.), R. Meld (M.G.) and R. Andrews (M.(I.).

India ” Signal ” : W. Matthews (Hillman). India Super Balloon 140/40 Non-Skid : G. Stiles(1+1.0.).

Dunlop E.L.P. & Pneugripper : P. Meyrat (Standard).

B.T.R. ” Cavalier ” : one M.G. and Yates (Austin. Seven).

Goodyear “Heavy Duty”: D. Price (Ford V8), and R. Rushbrook (M.G.).

Dunlop Remould : R.. Henning (L.M.B. Ford). Michelin Standard : M. H. Lawson (H.R.G.).

Goodyear ” Allweather ” : Silcock (Ford VS> and K. Barrow (M.G.).

Perelli ” Serener ” : C. Booth (11.0.).

Union 8.50″ x19″ : H. Barwick (Austin Seven)._ John Bull “Heavy Tread ” : 1). Mount (M.G.).


Sydney Allard won the President’s Trophy Trial on February 26th, after walking off with the ” Cohnore ” on the previous day, thereby proving himself probably the best trials’ driver of his day.. The trial was more than usually a tale of trouble, for before the first hill Fitt’s broke its transmission and later Lawson’s H.R.G. and Soames’s V12 Allard lost their bottom cogs, Biggs broke his B.M.W.’s rear axle and Johnson had similar trouble. The Allards, ever ready to help a fellow enthusiast in trouble, took Biggs home in an Allard and Mrs. Biggs home in the victorious trials’ Allard. The first hill was a freak affair up the side of a field, and drip was at a minimum at the start. The approach included a big mud pond, where even Hutchison’s V12 Allard temporarily stuck, though Allard scorned it and Soames did one of the neatest bits of waffle-waffle we have ever seen. On the hill itself Hutchison failed, but both the other Allards, Borroughs (Ford-Special), Johnson (B.M.W.), Lawson (H.R.G.) and several others were successful after struggling for adhesion in the starting area. Yates got a good way up in his Austin Seven and Pentony was excellent with his M.G. A Riley Nine showed little desire to cease from spinning its wheels, even on level ground, and Mrs. Wood (B.M.W.) just stopped at the very summit. We next

went to Barrow, a much more sane grade but rather easy, the failures mostly happening low down and amongst ‘ordinary type cars, Challands’s RileySpecial, which had gone to sleep on No. 1 ‘cylinder, excepted. As to “boots,” Allard used Goodyear, Hadley, whose Austin won its class, Dunlop Freighter, also used by Ch.allands, Price, classwinner with his Ford V8. which apparently has no special over-axle ballast, used Goodyear Heavy Duty, Biggs had Englebert Super Balloons, Meyrat Avon Super Balloons on the rear wheels of his Standard Eight, having burst his original tyres on the ” Colmore” the day before, Fitt had Michelin R.L.P., and Laudet Dunlop Freighter. Congratulations to Kirkman, who had been ‘married without a word to the boys -on the Thursday and was present on the Sunday to help with the Trial—which is illustrative of the reason for the firm position of the Southsea Club.


The Veteran Car Club will open its season with the Tilburstow Rally on April 15th. The event will be much on the lines of the previous year’s events at this venue and 1904 cars will be required to travel at least 150 miles to the finish. The event at Tilburstow starts at 2.15 p.m.

Hon. Secretary : H. J. Wylie, 38, West Cromwell Road, London, S.W.5.


Searching for antique motor-cars is a pastime of surprising results. Setting out in a Ford Eight to seek a pre-war model T Ford at a village with the delightful name of Heath and Reach, we got hopelessly lost and finally, pulling up to ask where this village lay, saw before us the Ford, low brass radiator and high laudaulette body standing out against the background of a big shed in the field where the car stood, a massive cow

keeping sentry over the veteran. Returning down the main road to London in something of a hustle our modern motor suddenly ceased work on a severe -gradient and thereafter refused to function at a speed higher than 20 m.p.h. A very efficient garage hand soon traced the trouble to loss of a screw from the automatic ignition control, but the point of this story is that a chance enquiry as a result of this stoppage led to the discovery of two old Minervas and an early Sunbeam owned by a near-by doctor, which would otherwise never have been heard of. Another expedition was made to see a 1905 Riley, our quest ending at a small, main-road country pub. On the walls we were a trifle shaken to see photographs of this veteran at sundry carnivals its occupants dressed as old women and bearing placards announcing that they were three old maids from Lee. As the -owner was away and the key of his garage strangely mislaid we did not see the actual car and were reduced to drinking indifferent bitter with our -chocolate wafers, which possibly explains why interest in old cars soon evaporated and has not been revived in that quarter.

Another day we Set -Off up the Cambridge road in a popular make of modern deathbox to see a 1912 type two-cylinder Renault Voiture, which had escaped the attention of motor-minded Undergraduates because, so the owner’s letter said, he had refused foolishly low offers. Possibly the Undergraduates like ourselves, had tried turning over the motor by its starting handle . . .

Having got almost to Cambridge, we entered that city as daylight waned, dusk filling the streets and the spires and chinmeys outlined against a golden sunset. A Frazer-Nash slid past us on a winding road, and parked by the Cam was a sports Delahaye nose to nose with a dignified coupe of the same marque. In the High Street a student in an immense scarf motored defiently past a parked Bentley in his ancient Austin Seven. High tea at St. Neots, and we came home via Bedford, exploring its side walks by the river and getting a good view of the big airship hangers at Cardington as they appear at night.

In between looking for early motors there have been a few trials to attend, notably One when Our Ford Ten consumed whole sumpfuls of oil every ten miles or so, until the mystified crew discovered loose engine bearer bolts which entered the timing case and, having worked loose, enabled oil to pump in a tiny stream on to the road . . . do not tell me that to crave a pre-war car is so stupid, after all. Peter Clark’s ” Blue Label” :3-litre Bentley provided a truly magnificent winter day’s driving, 300 miles all told, right down to Bridport in Dorset. The run back to London was one of the best ever, the big car rock steady at 70 m.p.h., very fruity as to exhaust and hardly another car on the snow-bordered roads. Sonic of the going might have been anywhere in Europe, familiar scenes rendered strange by the snow-drifts, direction posts down and buried, emergency telegraph wires looped from post to post and, working hard in a field in the half light, a workman freeing his ancient Chrysler. Indeed, as darkness fell we motored for miles on the main road with a fleeting G.W.R. motor-train seemingly the only other living thing in a stark, cold landscape. Not until much later was it necessary to dim the headlamps for oncoming cars and then this task was undertaken by the passenger, because it would keep him awake, and the switches were before him, anyhow. A quick meal at Lobscombe Corner, and we were in London again quite early that evening, hastening to show the Bentley to some friends who enthuse over these things. That day’s motoring produced the exhilaration that comes :from handling a car, which not only makes such a run possible in the time available, but which demands skilful handling and which is an absorbing technical study into the bargain. We returned it regretfully, but apparently our enthusiasm is as potent as ever, for we still go out on Sundays in the most humble of small cars, when we might visit friends, enjoy a good book, or see a good show, deriving all the fun imaginable from this sort of outing, chiefly on account of the motoring conversation in which we know the crew

will indulge, the interesting cars one is bound. to see en route and the fun of trying to find places where one can get a satisfactory meal in quite unknown territory. Albeit, with a car like Clark’s Bentley the car alone is an enthralling companion and life seems very good if you drive quite alone and go on driving . . . Yet another search. for an antique took place in the Crystal Palace district, when a motor repairer bade us follow his Rover saloon to a small shed beneath a block of flats, wherein he was confident we should find a German car of about 10 h.p. and 1912 origin, the make of which he said was ” Hof man,” admittedly a thing of which we had no knowledge. Alas, the door of the delapitated shed coaxed open, behind a modern Triumph saloon was revealed our old friend the Horstman, of about 1924 vintage, its unique radiator all mildew, its side valve Motor in a sorry state and not even a racing unit. We glanced at the tiny gas-factory and wondered if herein lies the secret of the excellent fuel consumption attained by the earlier light ears. We glimpsed the tubular front axle and curious quarter-elliptic springs and wondered whether early light car designers had their own pet theories about comfort and stability, or whether they felt shy at following a conventional specification when embarking on a design which might —yea, might—establish historic popularity. After which interest faded and we re-entered our own small motor, more youthful by some six sti::Iners. Yet early post-war small cars are rather fascinating, and it is annoying that when the writer was wretched to acquire one, nothing very suitable could be found, whereas now we know of this Horstman, which could be had for 11, of an excellent oil-cooled, flat-twin Belsize-Bradshaw for about L4 and of a sports 1928 Eric-Campbell, proudly boasting a finned jacket on its cylinder head . . . And at a recent trial we met a gentleman from Oxford who has two 7.5 h.p. Citroens and craves a third, and, curiously, returning home in our 1937 death-box we saw just the very thing for him, in the form of a drophead 7.5 h.p. coupe of that marque, in full flight down a by-pass road. Reverting to our Own experiences, the Crystal Palace seems an unlucky area for hunting the ancient, for did we not hear tell of a three-cylinder pre-war Pan hard owned by a well known veterinary surgeon. We were in his consulting room a few hours later and he talked long and lovingly of his old car, for which he had no further use, and wanted to show us the magneto to prove that it really was a three-cylinder. Could we, please, give this car a good home ? “Could we what?”—oh, it went to a earbreaker years ago I But one Saturday we set forth to a place not so far from London’s road-circuit, this time in the company of a very well-known driver whom you might not credit with sympathy for the vintage enthusiast, and this time, in a garden behind a house, we came upon an N.S.U. triear and an old three

wheeler. The wicker passenger seat of the former fell away at a touch and the three-wheeler baffled us as to make.