Meredith bodies
Sir, I rather think Meredith Coachcraft, about which a reader seeks information (Motor Sport, January 1988), owned or were the same firm as Trinity Coachcraft or Coachworks, who operated around…
The Veteran C.C. will hold its Tilburstow Hill Climb on April 9th, following lunch at the Clayton Arms Hotel, Godstone (twenty-one miles from London on A 22) at 12.30 p.m. • There will be a rally to the venue, with four classes, embracing all pre-1905 cars up to 20 h.p. Rally competitors are required to reach the Godstone check not later than 1.45 p.m. The 1903-4 cars have to cover at least 150 miles, and the route is left to the discretion of
the entrant. Entries close on March 30th. If you cannot attend the Empire Trophy Race at Doniugton on this day, get to Tilburstow and have your camera with you.