
May I correct a statement in your interesting article ” The Trend of Design” that “the 2-litre Frazer-Nash-B.M.W.s have an automatic free-wheel operating on the two higher ratios.” The type

326 (9 ft. in. wheelbase) five-seater is the only model in the range with a freewheel action, but this is operative between first and second, providing a clutchless change and giving a very effortless getaway— there is a synchromesh action between third and top. All the other models in the range have a straightforward gearbox, with synchromesh operative between third and top. With reference to your remark in ” Rumblings ” regarding trials, we do not consider it is a question of a manufacturer having the courage to enter a team of standard cars for trials. Although individual members of our firm (as far as we are concerned) have on occasions entered for trials, we do not consider a firm should enter a team of drivers who will consistently compete against that firm’s private owners for

awards. This, of course, is purely a matter of individual policy and every firm naturally has the right to do as it thinks fit. It seems to us rather hard on private owners to find themselves up against works drivers—even in standard cars. Would the expense of maintaining a team for every important trial be justified by any practical results, and do you consider that such a team of standard cars would receive any adequate measure

of recognition generally ? As far as prestige of the marque is concerned we are quite content with the successes achieved in trials by our private owners, and the very favourable showing they put up against all the ” specials “—and they enjoy themselves. As a matter of fact, it might be an excellent idea to ban all trade entries in trials—and what about a production model clause in the regulations ? Our attention has also been drawn to editorial comments in the January MOTOR SPORT on two matters that are

of interest to us. The paragraph in ” Rumblings ” anent B.M.W s gaining the world’s motor-cycle maximum speed record rather infers that the B.M.W. held an advantage by being ” fully streamlined ” in comparison with the ” nonenclosed” Brough—why not also mention that the B.M.W. is of 500 c.c. and the Brough of 1,000 c.c. ?

As a matter of interest for your motorcycling readers, when the B.M.W. set up the new record the body and tail had been Modified since its tryout during the German records week—originally the driver was totally enclosed.

As regards streamlining, altogether unnecessary emphasis has been laid on this aspect of the matter. Streamlining has become a tremendously important aspect of record work in all spheres-cars, aeroplanes, seaplanes, motor-boats and trains, so why not motor-cycles ? The other matter is the article on last year’s racing, in particular sports-car

events. In all the races mentioned, first, second and third placings were given with the sole exception of the T.T., in which ” B. Bira,” driving a 2-litre Frazer-Nash-B.M.W., was placed third. Continued on page r13 While this is not mentioned, a further remark is also made that the race ” must be Mentioned for the duel between three Talbots and a Delahaye, victory going to the former “—this ambiguous remark might be taken to suggest the Darracqs were first, second and third. Frankly, we should consider, in common with contemporary reports, that the feature of the race was the fight put up by the 2litre B.M.W.S against the extremely fast French cars of over twice their engine capacity—the B.M.W.s having 3 seconds

per lap in hand over the Darra.cqs. Al ay we also recall that A. F. P. Pane led the race for an appreciable time, and up to the time of his retirement at half distance (owing to the failure of an experimental ball-race in the back axle) had figured conspicuously in the first three. The writer is not aware whether the various sports-car events of last season were officially listed in any order of precedence, but if so this would probably account for the specific mentions of the Grand Prix de Bona, Miramas, or the

Targa Abruzzo, in preference to the Belgian Grand Prix des Frontieres, the Grand Prix of Roumania or the International Eifel meeting, in all of which events B.M.W. cars made Fastest Time of the Day, and at the latter event created a new sports-car record for the Nurburg Circuit, irrespective of capacity. I am, Yours etc., For A.F.N. Limited, W. H. ALDINGTON_ Isleworth,
