


WHATEVER the outcome of the reform of reliability trials, now being deliberated by the clubs and by the R.A.C., it seems likely that the forthcoming season will see a number of ” combined” events. These are different from the familiar ” closed invitation” events, in which one club invites five others to compete in a trial, run entirely by the club issuing the

invitations. In a ” combined .” .event, two Or more clubs agree to run an event on the same day over the same course, using the same marshals and the same general scheme, but not necessarily under the same regulations, or with awards in common. The object is to have one substantial event, instead of a nurnber of small trials on different days. Such trials have been run before the present era, but one of the first to be run as part of a concerted scheme to set trials in order was the event in the Petersfield area in which the Great West and Kentish Border clubs took part. These two clubs have in other years run separate events, for the HaNyard Tankard and the Stafford Clark Cup respectively, and the two were

now combined. Identical regulations were in this case used, and the conditions for awards were also similar. However, whereas the Haward Tankard was up for competition among Great West members, and was won by M. S. Soames, driving a Ford V8, the Kentish Border’s Stafford Clark Cup had been

allocated to another event. Actually this event provided an excellent example of the value of a ” combined ” trial, for almost without exception the entrants were members of both clubs, and eould take their choice of the colours under which they preferred to run.

The old evil Of clashing events again made itself felt, however, for, largely awing to the concurrence of another trial on the same day, the disappointing total of twenty-three entries had been received. A notable feature was the entry of K. N. Hutchison with the very latest in ” trials specials,” the twelve-cylinder Zephyr-engined Allard Special. Hutchiaon had only taken delivery of this very fierce machine a few days before the event, and it was barely run in. It has an articulated front axle, giving independent front suspension, and his lady passenger expressed satisfaction that at last ” Hutch ” had .got a comfortable trials car I Competition tyres were allowed on all cars except those fitted with solid axles as standard. Non-standard solid axles were not permitted at all. Most of the hills were fairly dry, and Wick, near the

start at Selborne, caused only two failures, whereas last year it provided great difficulty, having a grassy slope on which cars had to restart. An Acceleration test was held on Oakshott, where the peculiar surface, with a kind of paving of slippery cobble-stones, caused some unexpected results. Fastest time (12 secs.) was made by E. K. Farley

with his H.R.G., and next came E. G. S. Cook’s M.G. and M. S. SoameS’s Ford, with 121, sees. The redoubtable Allard Specials—S. H. Allard himself was driving the •older eight-cylinder car— displayed so much power that after terrific wheel-spin Allard took 15 sees. and Hutchison 15i secs. Eight competitors lost marks on time.

Wheatham (sometimes called linterturkheim) can in certain weather conditions be extremely difficult, but upon this occasion all cars sailed up it easily except for the unlucky C. E. BuShford’s Morris Minor, which, with standard tyres, .failed on all the hills, so that a merciful veil may be drawn.

At Steep Hill, divided as usual into two sections, competitors had to restart right in the middle of the chalky gradient at the foot, but even with this added difficulty few Were unable to get away. The top section, however, was notable for causing the failure of H. B. Shaw’s Ford and W. L. Bennett’s M.G., and spoiling their otherwise clean performances in the event. For the top section, too, cars were restarted in a difficult place, close to the S-bend. The final hill was Rake Hangar, near Liphook, and here at last difficulty was met, and large gangs of pushers became exhausted. Hutchison made a splendid (limb with the new Allard Special, and Allard himself went up at speed, churning mud behind him, though wheelspin Caused him an anxious moment near the top. Farley, who had done so well with his H.12.(1., burst a tyre, and pulled the valve out. In consequence, the wheel would merely revolve inside the tyre cover, and no engine power was avail

able to help the pu.sLers, who had a long task.

0. L. Burroughs, with a Ford-engined Special of his own design, made one of the best climbs of all, and Fotheringhain Parker was also good with his Ford. No small cars succeeded in climbing the hill, and R. M. Andrews broke the crown and. bevel on his M.G., and had to retire at the foot. This was bad luck, as he had had no previous failures, and had equalled. Parley’s 12 secs on OakshOtt. The event finished at the Royal Huts, Hotel, Hindhead, where the combined organisers excelled themselves in not only completing the event but issuing the full results before darkness fell. Soames,

Hutchison and Allard were the only drivers to get through clean, but awards were made on a percentage basis from the two clubs.

Great West Motor Club

M. S. Soames (Ford), Raward Tankard and Ist (lass. S. H. Allard (Allard Special), 1st Class.

K. Hutchison (Allard Special), 2nd Class. E. I.. Fry (Riley), Eldred Cup and 2nd Class.

Kentish Border Car Club

E. K. Farley (1-1.R.G.). 1st Class. R. M. Henning (Vauxhall), 1st Class. H. B. Shaw (Ford), 2nd Class. P. F. Parker (Ford), 2nd Class.

Team Award : S. H. Allard and K. Hutchison (Allard Specials).