

There is something new in the way of prizes for the J.C.C.’s International Trophy Race at Brooklands on May 7th.

In races of this character it sometimes happens that certain of the cars entered are at a disadvantage on the score of age and, realising this, the Club is offering a special award of ,,,150 for which the entrants of cars raced prior to January 1st, 1937, will be eligible to compete.

The award in question will be made to the entrant of the car which, complying with the condition referred to, is placed highest in the general classification of results and which does not finish in the first three. The principal awards are : lst—L250 cash ; the Wakefield Trophy (value £100);

the S.M.M. & T. Challenge Trophy (with replica in miniature). 2nd—i100 cash. 3rd.—i50 cash. 4th—Trophy presented by Charles Follett Ltd.

There is a cash prize of E,100 presented by Joseph Lucas, Ltd., for the first British car, and handsome trophies for individual group winners are given by Clement Talbot Ltd., “The Autocar ” and the 13.A.R.C., together with additional cash prizes presented by S. Smith and Sons (M.A.) Ltd. A perusal of the Regulations for the International Trophy Race reveals the interesting fact that the engine capacity limits for the three groups have been modified as follows :

Group 1—For cars with supercharged engines up to 1,100 c.c.

For cars with unsupercharged engines up to 1,750 c.c.

Group 2—For cars with supercharged engines over 1,100 c.c., but under 1,750 c.c.

For cars with unsupercharged engines over 1,750 c.c.

Group 3—For cars with supercharged engines over 1,750 c.c. Entries at single fees (420 per car)

close on March 81st. Copies of the Regulations and Entry Forms are available from the General Secretary. Junior Car Club, Empire House, Brompton Road, lAridon, S.W.7.