


Thank you for drawing my attention to Mr. Condor’s letter regarding my advert.

for my S.S.K.L. Mercedes-Benz. Mr. Condor is perfectly right in correcting the errors in dates concerning the races which Caracciola won driving the sister car to my machine. One of the greatest successes achieved by this model was when Caracciola won the 1930 Avus race, averaging 119 m.p.h. for the 183 miles, and attaining a

speed of over 147 m.p.h. As I wrote in your columns recently, I do not know of any other licensed car in Great Britain which is quite as fast as this.

Wishing your fine journal continued success. I am, Yours etc., DENTS P. S. CONAN DOYLE. Waldorf-Astoria,

New York. (The advertisement referred to in the letter above appeared in the January issue of MOTOR SPORT, where D. Conan Doyle quoted “sister car of this machine driven by Caracciola, French G.P., 1932. Won the Irish G.P. in 1981.” We forwarded Mr. Condor’s letter to New York, U.S.A., and the above is the reply.—Ed.)