

Sir, I have found your correspondent Mr. Robert Peaty’s article on his ” Hybrid ” most interesting, it certainly shows that he has given a great deal of careful thought to the construction of the car, and also to the selection of a power unit, probably about the last unit most MOTOR

SPORT readers would think of using, nevertheless I believe he will find “sleeping horses” by the half-dozen within its cylinders, and wish him every success in awakening and putting them to the useful purpose of making the wheels go round. I might humbly suggest that he gives a little attention to the selection of a suitable lining for the clutch, of a much higher co-efficient of friction, and one that will agree with the particular steel

with which it makes contact. Also I doubt if the third speed will be satisfactory for long, as the teeth are of insufficient width, and in consequence tooth pressure will be too great, and “digging in on the flanks “will take place rapidly, with consequent great wastage of power. I have often overcome this by making a new pair of gears of much better material and in addition it is often possible to make the teeth considerably wider and still fit into the box, also if new gears are being made the ratio can be suitably increased.

One further point, the material from which the rear axle shafts are made should receive careful attention as to the best of my recollection this was not one of the strong points of the axle being used.

It might also interest Mr. Peaty to know that the method of operating the front wheel brakes of the Hillman was made under licence from Messrs. RollsRoyce, an excellent arrangement, which unfortunately he will not be using.

I hope to see his machine performing in events in the near future. I am, Yours etc., L. C. MeKENzui. McKenzie’s Garages, Ltd., 1, Bridge Place, Belgrave Road,

Victoria, S.W.1. * * *