


How excellent the article” On the Trend of Racing Car Design” was, how truly I enjoyed reading it, but how uncharitable the author’s distaste for the “doodle bug” and chauffeur.

Midget car drivers do risk their necks and are subject to great personal danger in pursuing their hectic vocation. Well, I know it myself, and a glance at reports of such competition, in my cuttings book for instance, though better still a rate visit, would convince anyone that a true midget car speedway meeting is no kindergarten for half-hearted speedking aspirant&

In my knowledge drivers have been seriously injured and unfortunately killed.

If vulgar publicity is poured copiously over their gyrational executions in the floodlight glare of the speedway circus, it is usually the promoters’ advertising method and not so much the drivers machination.

In Australia, where I raced during the 1935-36 winter season, quite a number of the participants are well known antipodean motoring figures ; such as, Bill Thompson, holder of the Australian speed record ; men who compete in the Philip Island races, W. Williamson, T. Poole, once connected with ” Wizard ” Smith ; Les. Burrows and R. A. Lea-Wright, etc.

No questionable suspicion of errand boys stunting up a ” Billy-Cart ” Derby, Is there ? I am, Yours etc., RALPH E. P. SECRETAN. Cumberland Hotel,

London, W.I. (We are glad that Ralph Secretan has come forward and stated the case for the “Doodle-Bug.” He states it very clearly

and concisely. But the writer of the article in question—W. Boddy—tells us that he still feels that no useful lessons result from scattering cinders and, consequently, if drivers are injured and killed on the dirt tracks, the more’s the pity. Last month Miss Barbara Marshall showed that there is much fun to be had for a small outlay, running real cars in proper competition, if sport alone is the primary consideration. So cinder-shifting must be a means of courting publicity or a fortune, hence the circus-atmosphere in which dirt track events are promoted.—Ed.)