Letters from Readers, March 1937


30/98 VAUXHALL. Sir,

Sir, I happened to read in your periodical a paragraph about 30/98s with a reference to owners by the name of Clutton and John Bolster. The latter’s car averaged 17-19 m.p.g. during fast driving. I would be glad if you would forward this letter on to one of these gentlemen as I would like to know what improvements in performance and economy are to be gained by hotting up this type of car. I am the owner of an O.E. 235 and have been contemplating raising the compression ratio and fitting twin ignition and carburetters but would like to hear what experiments have been successful in England in this regard. Also what is the best method of redesigning the front wheel brake mechanism which is very poor ? For how much can spare axles, etc., be purchased, and is there hydraulic-brake mechanism available for

sale either new or secondhand ? In fact, I would be glad of all the information you may be able to foward—as apart from the Vauxhall instruction book, no service stations or private owners in Australia have done any experimental work on these cars. The article I referred to earlier was published about OctOber or November and appeared under the sub-heading of” 30/98 Lure.” I am, Yours etc.,

K. I. BENSON. clo The Australian Estates Co., Ltd., Box 1609 M.,

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.