The British Racing Drivers' Club


The British Racing Drivers’ Club

The foil( ■wing are the A wards of Merit and Rules 1937 for the schedule of marking for the Road-Raring Star of the British Racing Drivers’ Club. Races held under International Permit excepting B.A.R.C. outer-circuit races :

,9 B.A.R.C. Mountain Races :— Championship 1st … … … 2 ;narks 2n1 … … 1 murk Ordinary 1St…. … .-. 1 mark Donington Park, Crystal Palace and 13rooklands road circuit races held under National Open Permit :-

Rules Governing Road Racing Star Marking

1. No marks will be giv.0 for class winners.

2. No marks will be allotted unless there are at least eight starters in the race.

3. In the event of two drivers handling the car, marks will be halved : except where the duration of the race exceeds six hours when full marks will be awarded to bah drivers, subject to each having driven at least for 40 per cent. of the duration of the race. 4. In races which are comprised of preliminary heats and a final, marks will only be given to drivers placed or finishing

In the final. For the purpose of ascertaining the number of starters in this type of event the total number running in the heats will be taken.

5. In order to obtain marks as a finisher, drivers must complete the course within the time, if any, specified in the Regulations, and must comply with any special rules regarding finishing. If any time limit is laid down or if the course is closed prematurely upon the winner crossing the line, only those drivers who are still running and who have completed at least 80 per cent. of the full distance by the time the race is stopped shall be deemed to be a finisher. The schedule of markings for the Track Racing Star is as follows :— All Brooklands events held under International or National Permit, other than those shown for road-racing and excepting team races :