

An announcement in the January issue of the ” Junior Car Club Gazette ” states that, after all, the International Trophy Race will not be held at Donington and will not be run on Coronation Day, May 12th. Instead, it will be run off at Brooklands on August Bank Holiday. For the first time in the history of Brooklands

an outside club is being permitted to stage a race there on -a Bank Holiday, and it seems that the B.A.C.R. outercircuit handicaps Will be accordingly decreased in number this season.

The J.C.C. announces that the handicapchannels at the Fork will figine as in previous races, but otherwise no details.

are available. It is possible that parts of the new road-circuit will figure in the course, and it is not yet known whether racing or sports-type cars are to Compete. From the start MOTOR SPoRT disapproved the venue of Dortington on Coronation Day, and we feel certain. that Brooklands will draw a big crowd when the International contest, which suits the track so well, is staged there on August Bank Holiday.

In view of the 12-Hour Sports-Car Race at Donington, the Tourist Trophy and Le Mans, we incline to a racing-car event. The J.C.C. 200-Mile Race will be run, off on August 28th at Donington as previously announced.