


For the benefit of those who have not -yet read this book, it consists of a selection of Mr. Lloyd’s articles on motoring sport augmented by the drawings of Mr. George Late. Mr. Lloyd frequently competes in speed events and the good humoured fun poked at his fellow ” dicers ” and of which he is a past master, rings all the more true on this account. The most commendable feature of this book is Mr. Lloyd’s penchant for Wandering from the point. He does this in the grand manner, He and his ” ami de plume,” Rollo Baring, in their thirst for material and under the influence of the said penchant (and perhaps even something stronger) find themselves running backwards and forwards between Poona, paying flying visits to Abyssinia, and as might be expected, doing great work in the Palish Corridor. This latter deviation was due to no better excuse than their efforts of trying to find out Whether Motor-Racing has Come to Stay ” Needless to say, they fail

majestically to solve the problem, having to dash off to Poona again.

A book with a very high laugh-page ratio.