Clwl News


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The next big event is the Circuit of Ireland trial, for which entries close at double fees (i2 2 0) on March 15th. The Veteran’s Run will definitely be held some time in the summer, as at least ten entries are promised. Amongst the cars so far unearthed is an 1899 Clement, and Messrs. Hunter and Ayrton, of Belfast, are offering to lend two cars to anyone who will prepare them for the run, which is marked contrast to the fantastic prices now asked in this country for any heap of rubbish that can be proved pre-1904.

We should like to see teams entered by the Veteran Car Club and Vintage Sports Car Club, and if reliable specimens were selected their owners might have quite an enjoyable tour. It is proposed to establish the limiting age of manufacture as prior to December 31st. 1912.

Secretary : 65, Chichester Street, Belfast.


S. H. Allard, driving his special Ford V8, walked away with the Hayward Tankard in the trial run over those severe and freakish conditions of a course on B agshot Heath. Fourteen hills were served out by asking competitors to Cover the route twice. Twenty-three started, of which the only mud-stormers to get through without penalisation were S. H. Allard, N. G. Watson, driving a motor unusual in this form of competition, to wit, a supercharged ‘2.3-litre Alfa-Romeo, and R. M. Andrews (M.G. P.B.)

These drivers got up Red Road, as did C. M. Anthony (Aston-Martin) and K. Hutchison (Ford V8). As has happened before in this kind of scramble someone lost his engine in the middle of the Heath, and had to be salved in darkness and icy rain. RESULTS

Hayward Trophy : 5.11. Allard (Ford Y8). Eldred Cup : N. G. Watson (Alfa-Romeo), First-class Award : R. M. Andrews (MA;.). Second-class Award : K. N. Hutchison (Ford V81. Third-class Awards : C. M. Anthony (Aston Martin), and .1. IT. T. Smith (Ford V8).


A ” special ” ran oil with the Premier Award in the Fill-Dyke trial, D. A. Simes (D.A.S. Special) being the victor and only competitor to get up the last hill. In the sPecial test F. C. Rolfe (Singer) recorded the best time in 13/ secs., with J. Lucey (M.G.) runner-up.


Premier Award : I). A. gimes (D.A.S.). Committee Cup : F. C. Rolfe (Singer).

First-class Awards : R. Green (M.G.), J. Dicey (M.(.4.) and .1. Watts (N1.4;.).


The Cotswold Trial was held on February 21st, over a ninety mile course, in varied weather conditions. The hills were essentially of the better sort, and amongst the thirty-six competitors were many who used ordinary covers. In the parking place oppositethe Cotswold Gateway Hotel some interesting motors assembled good and early. C. A. N. May

had his blown P.B. ” Buster ” Baring came to marshal and was persuaded to drive his wife’s 2-litre FrazerNash-B.11.I.W., N. V. Terry had brought a Type 55 Frazer-Nash-B.M.W. twoseater, C. E. Stothert his Balilla Fiat, Marcus Chambers was seen acting as back-seat driver cum ballast in a massive open Jensen Ford, G. Leytcin had a crew of three in his low-chassis 41-litre Invicta, C. D. C. Miller, in C.U.A.C. driving kit (very smart!) was running a Montlhi ry M.G. Midget minus blower, and with normal tyres, M. Edmondson came in a touring Morris Minor two-seater, and J. K. Johnson’s 1931 Frazer-Nash was another exponent of not-knobblies.

Secretary Hogarth arrived on a fourstroke Francis-Barnet. On Stanscombe a simple restart test on 1 in 4 failed ten cars, and Terry’s B.M.W. and May’s M.G. were outstanding. Darewski was reversed onto a mud-patch, but he calmly fitted chains to his white Talbot 90 saloon, and removed them before trying the observed climb. A hairpin was included, at which one reverse only was allowed, and this failed several big cars, and one Morris Eight from sheer bad handling. This hairpin should be cut out of future trials, as there is another way up and the drop is considerable for anyone reversing too fast, while the hedge was considerably chewed-up, and although its owner, a sporting farmer, took it very well, damage to property is

to be avoided at all costs. The upper reaches were merely steep and sandy, but scored some failures, though a most amazing chummy Austin Seven, steaming happily, just sneezed at the climb. Bismore failed six and Mackhouse only three, T. C. Wise (Ford V8) doing a spirited climb. Lunch at the Bear Inn, Rodborough, and then Nailsworth was tackled, resulting in twenty-one failures and providing Baring with an opportunity to show that he has lost none of his former skill, and can handle B.M.W.s as he used to do the ” official ” FrazerNashes. Seven failed in the Special Test on Bushcornbe and May (M.G.) was fastest by a clear 3.1 secs., runner-up being Mansell (M.G.). Piccadilly claimed nine victims. Watkins-Pitchford had lost reverse on his aged Frazer-Nash and Darewski had a tough time with the Talbot 90, though we overtook him on the sixteen mile run to the ,finish when the MOTOR SPORT Baby Fiat condescended to cruise at

00. RESULTS Hospitals Cup : r. A. N. May (PB. M.G., S.). Members’ Tankard : .1. K. Johnson (Frazer-Nash). First-class Awards : 0. N. Mansell (M.G.. 8.), N. V. Terry (Frazer-Nash-B.M:W.), A. A. Baring

(Fr zer-Nash-B.N1.W.). Second class Awards : V. N. Beech (Sunbeam motor-eycle), T. C. Wise (Ford V8), C. E. Stothert Witt ‘

Third-class Awards : 0. C. S. Montenaro (M.G.), J. Clough (Riley Sprite).

In medical tradition, Leyton’s Invicta, ninth entry, was labelled No. 99.

The club is planning an ambitious programme, including three Donington meetings. • It caters essentially for impecunious enthusiasts and a few vacancies exist for additional members. The subscription is 10/6 and the design of ties and badges is especially attractive. S. C. H. Davies is patron, Dr. Benjafield is president and Dr Roth hon.

treasurer. Full details from : Hon. Secretary, H. C. Hogarth, 42, Torrington Square, London, W.C.1.


The annual dinner and dance was held at Claridge’s on February 5th, the menu opening with Hors-d’oeuvre Choisis 57 and Saumon Fume an Castrol R and continuing in a distinctly motoring flavour. The annual general meeting will be held at the Green Park Club on March 10th, followed by dinner and a film-show. The competitions conunittee for 1937 is composed of K. W. Bear, J. K. W. Baines, J. Lemon Burton, J. G. Crowther, and C. W. P. Hampton. The Opening Rally will be held on April 11th, probably at Wansford. An

other issue of ” Bugantics ” will be issued this month.

Hon. Secretary : F. L. Giles, 2, Queen Street, W.1.


The Wye Cup trial was an exceedingly enjoyable and well-organised event. The first hills were comparatively easy, though on one of them Woolley lost a whole Ford V8 in the hedge. Mobbs’ M.G. scored premier honours in the first special test, as did Bastock’s M.G. in the second. After the lunch stop Stouting

had to be climbed, and the only successful attempts were those of K. Hutchison (Ford V8), Imhof, Macdermid, Bastock and Langley (M.G.$), and J. EasonGibson (1983 Ford V8). RESULTS

Best Performance : J. A. Bastoek (M.G. T-type). Best in Opposite class : M. B. Lawson (Singer IA, Mans).

Best Club Member : It. A. Maedermid (M.G. T-t ype).

First-class Awards:. K Hutchison (Ford V8), A. B. Langley, and A. 0. Imhof (M.G. T-type), and .T. Eason-Gibson (Ford V$).


So this intense life continues ! The other Sunday a most pleasant day was spent marshalling on the Vintage S.C.C. trial. The 2/9 alarum clock which we use for recording standard time disturbed me, it seemed, unduly early, but then no doubt that is old age creeping on, a matter to which my attention has been called not infrequently since writing the Editorial for the last issue. But at last we were in the Austin heading for the rendezvous, by the British Salmson works on the Kingston By-Pass, where the crew transferred to the ever-willing Morris Eight, _after leaving the Austin at the garage where, some years ago, we were thankful to leave ” Chitty-Bang-Bang,” after that motor-car had thrown tyi es so effectively that a whole day was needed to tow it this far from South London, on an occasion -when Brooklands was the objective. So to Marlow, after very amateur attempts at burglary at Marcus Chambers’ premises, -only to find that the cupboard was bare and the Chrysler that we had volunteered to drive down for him was apparently well on its way. At the start the Robertson-Roger brothers enticed me to travel with them in the Type 34 Frazer-NashB.M.W. saloon they had borrowed from their mother, and knowing that motor I was glad to accept. The trip to Lewknor was accomplished in the supple refinement that one has come to expect of the B.M.W., and we just sailed up Maidens’ Grove and had time to visit some intriguing country inns in spite of being official markers of the route. And we had time -on hand at the hill, where Heal awaited us, with husky-looking Ford V8, a JensenFord and an M.G. Midget as transport for his helpers. Alas, the Morris was defeated by Maidens’ Grove, a crew of three and a clutch that needed attention, and we only re-discovered it at the teastop, where practically all that remained -of what I know must have been a vast tea was a lone, and. cold, scone. The afternoon passed very pleasantly, the writer -enjoying being amongst real motor-cars, -doing their hill-climbing on ordinary tyres, and learning quite a bit about the

tenacity of blue marking dye. The Robertson-Rogers sketched everything -of note, including the motor cyclist who fell oil gently on the downward journey and spent the rest of the afternoon rebuilding the model, the Morris-Cowley that so nearly ran away under the same conditions, making very Cowley noises, and Sam Clutton.’s leggings and umbrella. Finally, the run home, not too late, for a feed at the “Linden.” One of the good things about turning -out to assist in trials organipation is the interesting places one visits that normally would be missed. On this trial we drank

tea (yes ! tea 1 !). at the ” George and Dragon,” Marlow, after negotiating the picturesque bridge in a morning fog with the swollen river swirling below. And we ate tea at the “Mill Stream,” Atnersham, where a mill-wheel is part of the building itself, and the spray from it plays on one’s face when an innocent looking door is opened. Certainly we shall go there again when there is time to spare. (N.B.—It was bad organisation that only one waiter was present to eater for all the hungry Vintagers. When planning a trial secretaries should write .first to the hotels involve(L)

Then there have been winter Sunday mornings when we have slipped swiftly and, we hope, unobtrusively through one or other of the stately University towns at church-going time, which never fails to please the driver and his passengers. Then there was an afternoon when we descended onto Broadway, Worcs., in warm sunshine; after sixteen hours behind the wheel, though the weather was deceptive, for it was late December, and soon we were fighting snow and ice. There have been tants along the South Coast, and unconventional glimpses of wintery sea, glorious views of the better bits of Kent, and stores of runs through obscure parts of Surrey and Sussex, that undoubtedly we should have missed had not a motoring competition bade us set that alarum clock for the early a.m. On the Saturday after the Vintage trial an entertaining afternoon was spent with J. Eason-Gibson at TIrooklands, practising J.C.0 Rally tests with the Earl of March’s supercharged Lancia Augusta, which we both voted a really nice motor-car, possessed of extremely good steering and controllability, a beautiful gearchange and a most satisfactory and businesslike seating position. The joys of speed on the concrete were recaptured when we had a brief blind round the outside in company with a Ford V8 in the wintery sunlight, and the aftzmoon was enlivened by the spectacle of a well known M.G. driver well and truly sinking his standard saloon in a mud patch at the foot of the Test Hill. Eason-Gibson freely admits that he thoroughly enjoys driving tests and he certainly did some very snappy handling of the I,ancia in the” Monte Carlo” and afterwards nearly set the rear tyres of the V8 alight. The Sunday was spent dispelling well and truly an illus’on I have had for some titne, namely, that during the winter one should confine marshalling duties to trials that start and finish within fifty miles of London. As recorded elsewhere, we started not too early in Eason-Gibson’s 6 h.p. Fiat and got right down to the Cotswolds to assist with the trial of the United Hospitals and University of London M.C.—a club whose secretary cheerfully rides through two nights on a solo Francis Barnet to officiate and

whose members, most of whom run weird motors and still scorn ” comp.” tyres, think nothing of spending two nights at that excellent hotel, ” The Cotswold Gateway,so as to tackle real hills in daylight. We saw some exquisite views unsurpassed by those of any other county, at first lit by bright sunshine interrupted by scudding cloud-shadow and later dimmed by gathering rain clouds and the rapidly approaching dusk. And we met some very real enthusiasts, including a very keen M.G. driver from Bristol. It was gratifying, too, that they all appear to read this paper On the homeward trek we learnt a lot about skid-correction and were involved in our first accident, fortunately of a minor character devoid of personal in; ury, chiefly because authority sees no harm in blocking half a derestricted ByPass road, planting a couple of oil lamps before the obstruction, and erecting a Stop-Go signal far above another oil lamp on the far side of the road, where the whole nasty business is rendered almost invisible by a hotel floodlight.

Notwithstanding, we were in bed again before midnight and so accommodating is the Baby Fiat that a feeling we have always had until just recently is returning—that these excursions are only really satisfactory if they involve a run of 100 miles at least, in both directions.

Given a good car there is ever something magic about a signpost reading ” London —120 miles.” seen just after you have eaten a hearty meal, donned the old leather coat and, tired, with muddy shoes and trousers, have decided that, with luck, you can still get yourself and party home before another day dawns. Marshalling at a trial can be very good fan, as I have shown, but only if each man has one job to do, and one only. So it behoves club secretaries to get plenty of help good and early before their events, to send each helper clear instructions, and to provide a route to the hill direct, if there is likely to be any difficulty about getting to the hill or check from the start before the first competitor is due. In this case, artulets, route-card, check-cards, tapes, flags and diagrams, etc., should be sent direct to the marshal, beforehand. Now this means picking on people who can be relied upon to turn out, and to time, if it is humanly possible. Secretaries, may, and should, send a carload of officials ahead of the competitors to see that all marshals are at their posts, who can save the situation if anyone is missing, but the important thing is that mostly such helpers are doing the job free of charge, for fun, and that fun evaporates if they have to rush and Worry over several different jobs. If you wish to help, notify the secretary as soon as the event is announced. If you really want to pull your weight, start early, offer to do two hills or checks, and be prepared to return home late. If you wish to take a party and have an easy day, don’t attempt more than one hill, or at all events don’t attempt to hear the results at the finish into the bargain. We have considered the advisability of starting a panel of would-be marshals, with telephone numbers, on which harassed

secretaries could draw. The drawback lies in the feeling of obligation to total strangers and the lack of’ knowledge of their abilities and good faith. So, it is better, we feel, for readers who are keen to assist on the officiating side of the sport to write to one particular club, asking for a job and at the same time stating that they would like to be asked to turn out on future occasions. Expect a humble job at first and do it well. Then the secretary co/teemed will feel able to approach you next time and will regard you as a reliable official. The golden rule is to work seriously and always make sure you are to be given a definite job. However humble, it seems, remember that you cannot have too many helpers. Remember, too, that most of the big official jobs in motoring sport are honorary. A Very undesirable thing is for marshals to treat the whole thing lightly and either hand in useless reports or go off home without handing in anything, so that the unfortunate committee has to guess the results. If you really must get straight home, give your report to the last competitor if no other official is going to the finish. The pillar-box is no solution, because results are expected by competitors at the finish and by the weekly motoring Press on

Monday morning. Does the R.A.C. do anything to ensure that results ring true ? The solution rests so largely with the officials that I hope these notes will be read by prospective wearers of a marshal’s armlet. On the Saturday following the Hospitals trial we went to Brooklands again, this time in a deluge of rain and hail, to don competition numbers. Once again the ” feel ‘ of the Lancia Augusta

was appreciated to the full and the punch it displayed low down the scale when the gasworks were opened up lent confidence for the afternoon’s work, even though Eason-Gibson was worried about the abilities of the clutch, into which much resin had been injected the previous night, so that it locked solid after all the ” dicing ” was over,. rendering Gibson’s return to the Paddock even more hectic than he himself had intended. For ourselves, we hasten to congratulate the J.C.C. on not making passengers compulsory, so that the afternoon could be passed in the old Press stand by the finishingstraight, morally to assist the Lancia, but in actual fact to obtain comparative protection. from the wind-swept beastliness outside. Gibson refused to be upset by these conditions, and accordingly nearly hauled off the front tyres on the wiggle-woggle, did some pretty grassclipping round the Byfieet—and restarted on the Test Hill. So that, having Coped with a solid clutch and resin in the starter-splines, we could get home quite unashamedly, but not before we had had a decidedly exciting drive over that part of the new road course which is already opened, the Lancia taking the turns in long, controlled slides—very good for the soul and an attribute to Augusta stability. (One notes that there is a long straight between the corners, which are usefully wide, of nice radius, and only slightly banked—roll on May 1st.) The next day an early start was made in Eason-Gibson’s intriguing 1933 Ford V8 two-seater, with wings cut away expressly with trials motoring in view, but with everything else quite normal, if

one excepts the involved arrangement of rubber bands that secure various bits of the instrument panel and controls, which are apparently beginning to feel the strain. of hill-storming. A fierce snowstorm gave Gibson every opportunity to” warmup” on the way to the start of The Winwood Cup trial, sonic of our tail. slides being extremely sensational, but. satisfy:ng under command.

The same cannot be said of subsequent motoring, for on at least two left-hand bends the V8 showed a liking for the hedge, and at least one ” L” driver stopped both car and engine to watch our rapid and not entirely directional approach. And on the last hill we Charged a ‘complete snowdrift with great effect, the marshals and onlookers promptlysuggesting that we should do it again, though not supporting our suggestion that there should f rst be a silver collection_ for the driver.

The wintery conditions rather destroyed the sterner aspect of the trial, but it was. immense fun just getting from hill to, hill and certainly that drive, largely off the beaten track, in truly fairyland conditions (sorry boys I) was compensation in full. So after prolonged exchange of motor-lore at the finish, the hood was. erected, the windows wound-up, and four enthusiasts came home very snugly to. a sanded and shivering London.

Really, the Ford V8 is a very remarkable motor-car. This one got a first-class award in the Wye Cup trial, has had four years’ hard labour, still motors effortlessly on the road with a thoroughly satisfactory possession of power and performance, and has a market value of wader b10.

The season is getting into its stride now. As I’ve remarked before, it’s grand to be an enthusiast.


The Pull Moon Cup trial was run off over a twenty-six mile course starting from Rodborough Common and finishing at Birdlip—-well-known trials territory. A novel system of allowing bonus marks in conjunction with two starting points on hills was in use, to obviate special test—will Major Johnstone please let us have a new edition of his book

Motor Trials ” with details of these divers rules and regulations ?

R. A. Macdermid—Saint of the hexagon —was the only driver to climb clean at two of the hills and the only driver to net those bonus marks at another.

Curiously, Nailsworth Ladder caused only one failure, A. R. B. Round (PB. M.G., s.) recorded 271 in the special test with Macdermid runner-up in 281 secs. Macdermid drove a model-T M.G. Midget. RESULTS

Full Moon Cup : R. A. Macdermid (T-type MM.) Runner-up : A. It. B. Round (PS. MM. S.). Second-class Award : C. C. Evans (M.G. Maknette). Third-class Award : W. S. Whittard (P11. M.G.).

Great plans are being put into execution to make a signal success of the Backwell House hill-climb on July 3rd.


A. C. Smith staged a very fine event recently, in the form of the Standard Tyre trial, and it almost seems that gradually interest is growing in storming gradients on Forts in place of Knobblies.

On the most severe section of all high praise was earned by Norman Gibson (PB. M.G.), T. L. McDonald (Singer), J F. Diack (Morris Minor), H. G. Hannah (A.C.) and J. Spence (M.G. T-Midget). RESULTS

Sleigh Quaich : N. W. (PB.

Premier Awards (U-litres or over): D. McQueen (Ford V8).

Team Award : ‘A” team : Cl. M. Frame. and W. K. McDonahl (Singers) and W. K. Elliot (Austin). First-class Awards : N. W. (;ihson (MM.), T. L.

McDonald (Singer), G. R. Watson (Ford), D. McQueen (Ford). Second-class Awards : 0. M. Frame. (Singer), A. K. B. Clarkson (Ford), J. H. Blyth (Austin), W. K. Elliot (Austin), J. M. Archer (Standard), J. Flint (Frazkr-Nash-B,M.W.), A. Dunn ( J. Anderson (Anderson-Special), W. Stevenson (Morgan), W. J. Mill (M,G. T-Midget), W. L. R. Thorne (Frazer-Nash-B.M.W.), 0. J. W. Monerief (Ford V8), E. Pratt (Standard), L. Bisset .t (Wolseley), R. A. McMillan (Vauxhall), P. M. Goodall (Singer), J. F. Mack (Morris), G. Simpson (Ford), J. Spence (M.G. T–Mi(lget), and 11. G. Hannah (A.C,). Third-class Awards : J. E. Mayfair (Frazer-Nash

M .W.), J. 1′. :Millar (Frazer-Nash-B.M.W.). T. 0. ( ‘Imam (M.(l .). I. Grant (M.G.), G. F. Ritchie

(wokyky), . I iIic,kon (Ford).

All of which indicates a splendid entry, and indeed, only eight competitors failed to gain an award, and there were five non-starters. Bravo Scotland !


The V.S.C.C. people started their Chiltern trial on February 14th from the George and Dragon at Marlow.

The fact that the start was an hour later than intended caused some entirely hypocritical grumbling, as it was fully apparent that everyone was very well able to occupy the time, and all twentyone starters eventually left the George and Dragon entirely contented.

Widmere can be very difficult without knobbly boots, and none of the heavy brigade could touch it, though Parker’s very specialised 1925 Lancia made a fine attempt, staving off wheelspin till quite near the top by using second gear. Levy and Clapham just got up on 12/50 Alvises and Foxlee’s Alvis was convincing, the passengers on all three

resorting to colossal bouncing. Pitchford’s decrepit looking Frazer-Nash hurtled up the hill entirely unaided by any bouncing, his passenger having his work cut out even to keep in the .car.

Other good but unsuccessful attempts were made by 0. Wilby (14-40 M.G.) and Mrs. Carson (3-litre Bentley).

Low Ruse did not cause quite so much trouble and several of the larger cars got up, including Swainson’s 41-litre Bentley and Windsor Richards’s 30,+98 Vauxhall, which never scents to have been seen within living memory with the hood down. Maiden’s Grove caused no failures but incorporated a reversing test at the

bottom. Here, for the second year running, a 41-litre Bentley (Allason’s this year) made fastest time, with Miller’s and Pitchford’s ‘Nashes second and third. Lewknor was used for a combined see-saw and acceleration teat. Parker was again outstanding on the Lancia, both he and roxlee (Alvis) making perfectly judged performances. Few of the best times were aided by engaging reverse, and several people wasted a lot of time trying to find out where it had got to instead of allowing the car to roll back

wards. The wet chalk surface also provided plenty of scope for skilful manipulation in restarting, and much diversity was apparent. Other good times were made by Pitchford, Allason, Levy and Clapham, and all were unofficially inproved upon by H. P. Powell who gave a brilliant display on his H.R.G.

Much interest was caused by C. W. P. Hampton’s entry of his beautiful 1922 blown 1i-litre Mercedf:s which once belonged W. Raymond Mays and has recently been most thoroughly rebuilt. Most unfortunately Hampton mistook the length of the acceleration test and barely used the compressor. The entry was divided into two classes and the results are as follows :— RESULTS

Over 2-litres : J. F. Parker (Lancia) 1st class. J. H. 111;ison ( Rentley) thnl ans.

Under 2-1iires : D. I). Clapham (Abbi) hit, clam Wat kins-l’ibliford (Frazer-Nash) 1st class. G. C. Levy (Alvis) 2.tul class.

The Club Bulletin is in future to be brought out in magazine form, and should make very interesting and amusing reading if it keeps up the present tradition.

The next event is the Sussex Trial on April 24th.

New members continue to be enrolled almost daily, and include John Morris (1913 200 h.p. Benz). The subscription is 12/6, with 5/entry fee.

The „Secretary is Tim Carson, ” The Phoenix,” Hartley Wintney, Hants.