

At a British Rating Drivers’ Club dinner and film exhibition held in the Connaught Rooms, Mr, H. N. Edwards, former secretary of the Club, was presented with a cocktail cabinet and a cheque by the members. In proposing Mr. Edwards’s health, Dr. Benjafield (vice-president), who was in the chair, gave a brief r6sum of the early history of the B.R.D.C. and said

that their present strong position was due to the inexhaustible energies of their late secretary who had been connected with the club since its inception. Mr. Humphrey Cook (hon. treasurer), seconding,. also paid tribute to Mr. Edwards :and, referring to the amount of work that went on behind the scenes in the organisation of races such as the

Empire Trophy and the 500-Mile Race, complimented him on the successful financial results obtained from them.

Returning thanks. Mr. Edwards referred to the fact that it was the first time in nine years he had made a speech to the members, and said that he had made more friends in the period than he could possibly have made in Any other sphere.