

GOING of that for sale, the real

Let us suppose that you are the owner of a 1932 model Stitch saloon. Despite the fact that your Stitch was built just in time to save nine others being manufactured, it is still an aristocrat of motor cars. It has served you faithfully for four years. It has carried you, your wife, your two children and the parrot for countless thousands of miles. But its time has come, it must make way for your new 8 h.p. family model Kettle ‘(It Sings Along the Road).

You are wondering how to describe this king of cars in the ” small ads.”

section of the ” Automotor.” Here below you will find a selection of terms and adjectives with their approximate translations, in common use for describing such a car as you have to sell.

DISTANCE NO OBJECT: A good selling point this. It means that you will go to any lengths to rid yourself of the darned thing. If distance is more than twenty-five miles, send prospective buyer ‘railway ticket and order to view. MUST SELL, OWNER ABROAD.. This relieves you awkward question as to reason and sounds much better than


The fifth Scottish Rally organised by the Royal Scottish Automobile Club is to be held during Whitsun week, 1st to 5th June next. The Rules and Regulations with entry forms are now available and may be had on application to the Secretary of the Club, 163, West George Street, Glasgow. The route to be covered this year will include several new parts of Scotland which have not been included in previous Rallies, particularly the road from Strathcarron to Applecross via the Pass of the Cattle. A very important change in this year’s arrangements is that there will be no night section. This will allow to all competitors and passengers full enjoy


(Illustrations by George Lane) reason, which is a cracked chassis frame and no oil pressure. There is no necessity to go abroad unless you do

manage to sell the car. In this rare eventuality, proceed as quickly as possible to Ostend and stay there. It will serve you right.

MUST SELL, BOUGHT LARGER CAR. Be careful, if buyer lives in district, your bluff may be called. ONE OWNER. One at a time, that


DEMONSTRATION MODEL, HARDLY EVER USED. This will not interest you. It is used only by the motor trade to describe a car used by the garage proprietor’s son On summer holidays, reliability trials, long weekends, short week-ends and every day until the crankshaft broke.

PAINTED BRITISH RACING GREEN. Your car is blue, anyway. UNDOUBTEDLY SMARTEST CAR OF TYPE ON ROAD. This generally used to describe a mass production car of which 70,000 similar machines are sold per annum. However, as your car -1 _

ment of the varied and beautiful scenery through which the route passes and avoid the strain of driving over unknown roads during darkness. The interest of each day’s run will be varied by a test at some unknown part of the route. This system of tests sustains the interest of competitors more than the usual methods of one .test or series of tests at the finish. The Rally provides a real sporting and happy holiday in Scotland among the best of motoring associates and an experience not soon forgotten.


The annual Harz Mountains Trial in Germany was as severe as ever. Any car that’ can get through this event, with its appalling ” colonial ” sections,

is the only Stitch in existence, you may use it. ABSOLUTELY AS NEW

THROUGHOUT. Obviously a mistake, and at 3d. per word, rather an expensive one.

LATE OWNER WELL-KNOWN SPORTING PEER. Battersea papers please accept this, the only intimation.

BARGAIN. But very hard to drive.

NOMINAL MILEAGE. This means that your speedometer has reached 99,999 and has returned to 00,000 again, more in sorrow than in anger.

SACRIFICE £5. Yes, but whose? Finally, it should be remembered that the condition of your car is always immaculate, spotless, very clean, or all three. Thus the finished advertisement should read something like this :— STITCH, 1932 model 20 h.p. ” In

time ” saloon. Must sell, owner painted British racing green, going abroad (very clean, nominal mileage) with late owner well-known spotless sporting peer absolutely as new throughout but requires oiling. Reason for sale cannot be repeated owner buying larger peer. Immaculate, good runner. Bargain sacrifice £5.

It pays to advertise.

possesses a chassis capable of withstanding the roughest treatment. Team prize winners were (two-seaters up to 1,800 c.c.) Hanomag, 660 pts. ; (over 1,800 c.c.) Ford V8, 871 pts. ; (saloon models up to 1,800 c.c.) Ford, 703 pts.; (over 1,800 c.c.) Mercedes-Behz, 988 pts.

Individual class winners were Adler (897 pts.), B.M.W. (1,046 pts.), N.S.U.Fiat (845 pts.), Opel (969 pts.).

It will be noticed that the best performance of all was made by the B.M.W. which was a Type 55 2-litre sports model driven by Herr Wenzer, of NIunich.

SOCIAL NOTE The Italian was

The Italian driver, Minozzt, was married last month to Signora Ilde Maraj. Congratulations.