

The Irish Motor Racing Club, Ltd., of I, Cavendish Row, Dublin (telephone, Dublin 44264), has already issued supplementary regulations for the Cork Motor Race, to be run off on Saturday,

The plan of the Course.

May 16th, over the Carrigrohane circuit near Cork City. S.M.M.T. approval has been obtained and Irish, English, Scottish and Welsh entrants and drivers are eligible. The

race, which will be open to any cars with open cockpits, will be contested over approximately 201 miles, or 33 laps of the Carrigrohane course, and will be handicapped on a system of credit-laps and time allowances. Individual handicaps wIl be allotted, but no account will be taken of drivers’ capabilities, and cars of a given type will be identically handicapped. Passengers may not be carried ; any form of fuel may be used. Two hours practice will be allowed ; the minimum qualifying speed will be 50 m.p.h. lap speed. The race will start at 3.30 p.m., competitors being at their pits by 3 p.m. Entry fees are £12 10s. per car up to 1 p.m. on April 25th, and £17 10s. up to 6 p.m. on May 4th, third party premium inclusive. Entries will be limited to 35. Apart from trophies, prize money totals