

The Ulster A.C. ‘s Circuit of Ireland Trial will be held on April 11-14th. The start will be from Bangor, Co. Down, and competitors will make a complete circuit of Ireland. At the finish at Killarney the cars will be examined, marks deducted for damage sustained on the journey, and driving tests completed. The road section will be run at an average speed of 24 m.p.h. Entries, which cost £2 2s. per car for non

members and £1 1s. for members, must be in by March 23rd, but will be accepted at double fees up to March 30th. The first prize in each class will be £50, the second prize £20, the third £10 and the fourth £5. The competitor gaining the greatest number of marks irrespective of class will win the Ulster A.C. Challenge Trophy. All occupants may drive the car if desired, but each

driver requires an International Competition Licence, a Northern Ireland or English Driving Licence, and an Irish Free State Driving Licence. Those who have yet to tour Ireland, and who prefer driving under conditions of competition, will do well to make a note of this interesting trial. Full details can be had from the Ulster Automobile Club, at 65, Chichester Street, Belfast.