


Having been defeated by fog on February 15th, the Junior Car Club, as is traditional, opened the 1936 Brooklands season on February 22nd, with their members’ Rally. True there was then no a of fog, but conditions could

otherwise sign have been worse, for it poured in torrents until just before the start and the drizzled heavily most of the afternoon. Nevertheless, an excellent attendance was noted. Spectators were quite

numerous, in spite of ” the girl friends’ ” horror of getting wet, while the Colmore Trophy Trial on the same slay had not materially detracted from the revised entry list. Certainly it was good to be at the Track again, amid the scent of racing oil and the ” blipping ” of highly-tuned engines. The cars, which were parked in the stalls around the Paddock, and even then overflowed onto the Track, were a comprehensive gathering. Something of a ” Concours ” atmosphere was lent by the presence of Couper’s Talbot Ten, several varied-coloured A.C.s, the Rapiers, G. H. Robins with one of the new H.R.G. cars, Charles Follett’s litre ANis and R. C. J. Hardy’s big Wolseley. Apart from that, some fast motors were present, notably Taylor’s blown Alta, a host of supercharged M.G.s, Crowther ‘s supercharged AlfaRomeo, Aldington ‘s and Earle’s Shelsley Frazer-N ashes, the that& AstonMartins, etc. The Vintage brigade was represented by a side-valve Aston-Martin, whose driver arrived attired in rating overalls and visor, Donald Mourn’s well-known cream Invicta, Gregory’s

litre saloon Bentley, several elderly Austin Sevens, and Windsor-Richard 30/98 Vauxhall, which was sans front brakes.

Events opened with an easy-starting test, after which all the -cars came in turn to the Test Hill, where a stop and reverse test was staged. Traversing a 1 in 5 gradient in reverse is net easy, and braking and acceleration were taken into account in addition. We had time to observe several failures amongst the early numbers, including G. H. Goodson’s blown Ulster Austin, defeated by wheel spin, and Poultney’s Ford, with stalled engine. The back axle of Taylor’s Alta juddered excitingly as the clutch took hold of the power. By this time we noticed that competitors were already tackling the Monte Carlo driving test, se to the . finishing straight we hastened, passing on the way the parking test—the event was being run through in the Usual, efficient

J. C.C. manner, rather reminiscent, surely, of the Crystal Palace circus.

GoodSon’s Austin was fairly good, though in skidding round the first obstacle the engine stalled. The Ford Ten saloons rolled over at alarming angles, Poultney scattering the officials, who endeavoured to point out the ” route ” to each driver. J. Harrison mistook his course, and was slow in an open Ford Ten. E. W. Seabourne’s Ford Ten saloon was very good, the near-side rear wheel leaving

the ground. However, on the clear run to the finish, doing about 50 m.p.h., he hit a barrier which disintegrated like a shell, slightly injuring an official. A 47. litre Bentley acted as ambulance. S. Kavanagh (Hillman Minx) lost both his engine and his way.

B. H. Holloway drove his Ford Ten saloon very nicely, but his badge-bar and spot-light came adrift. As they were trailing by the wiring, very near to the front-axle, officials would have been justified in stopping the car. However, Holloway continued, the offending bar coming adrift before the finish. BriCkwoOd’s Lancia Was slow, officials baulked P. A. Richards (Lagonda), I). L. Briault (s/c M.G.) experienced some wheel spin and was very noisy, and T. G. W0110 t ‘s blown M emitted a curious supercharger-hum as it negotiated the pylons. E. K. Farley (M.G.) gave a spirited display, nearly pulling his tyres from the rims, and in contrast, L. B. Dyball (s/C M.G.) gave

a steady exhibition. M. W. Sheppard

likewise punished his M.G. ‘s tyres, and R. M. Holder was one of the only competitors to have serious trouble, his M.G. obviously not using all its cylinders. P. de F. C. Pycroft (R iley lmp made a very fine performance, t urn i rig nearly round the first pylon in a slide. J. Howard Goode (Riley 9 saloon) vas somewhat clumsy, and not helped by having to pull-up to save a marshal. E. Taylor, in another Riley saloon, was sedate, his screen-wipers working peacefully throughout. E. R. L. Crockatt ‘s Riley Imp went the wrong side Of the final barrier after the figure eight.

C. L. Johnson’s Singer was heartily revved, and possessed a crackling exhaust, and E. F. Griffiths (Singer) was noticeably good. F. A. H. Frey (Singer) made noises with his gears, was very slow, and

finally stopped ; D. K. Kenward’s Singer, in Spite of an Outsize in number discs on its bonnet, was not mach faster, while K. Buxton was heavy on his Ford 8’s tyres. W. M. COuper was good with the Talbot Ten, in spite of terrific roll. Yarburgh-Bateson’s A.C. seemed to lack braking power, and N. G. Watson (Aston-Martin) wasted time with over much skidding Phipps (Aston-Martin) and J. Eason-Gibson (Frazer-Nosh11. M. W.) were very good, Hunter’s

Frazer Nash B. M.W. upheld the marque’s reputation, but Miss Joan Richmond (Triumph) Missed the whole test, and came back on her own accord fer another try, rather baulking Hartnell ‘s Frazer-Nash. A. A. Bolsom (Wolseley) toured slowly through, and in contrast, Pane, on the Shelsley Nash, was terrific, but lost some time in engaging reverse. Brian Lewis, clad in a black mackintosh, scattered the officials during a nice run

on a blown Lancia, and Lord Waleran put up a splendid Lancia effort. 1). A. Aldington had a line drive spoilt hy .ipp.irent fuel starvation, but perloin eel sensationally when his engine ro,,:eeered, Mrs. Wood, in rating attire, .;is not very fast in the Singer, while S. H. Light ‘s A. C. came to rest against

a hurdle. Charles Follett’s drive was extremely i mpressive, but he circled the figure eight the wrong way. Appleton ‘s R ail ton lost precious seconds at the first pylon and J. C. C. Caveodish drove his VS Ford splendidly. Gregory’s handling of an immense Bentley was an object lesson, but poor Monro seemed to have lest his clutch at the final turn. By now the drivers were tackling the flying half-mile under very trying condi lions, taking the track in a clockwise direction. They then tried the re-start test on the Test Hill, where we observed good performances by the H.R.G., Phyllis Goodban’s Frazer-NashB. M W. , Eason-Gibson ‘s Frazer-NashB.M.W., Bolsom (Wolseley), F. L. Cox (M.G.), Aldington’s Nash, which levered itself away easily, H. R. Winncot (M.G.), C. J. Turner (Singer), P. R. Brierley (Standard 12 saloon), H. A. Peck (Talbot), Gordon Morrison (V8 Ford), J. C. C. Cavendish (V8 Ford), Sabey (Hudson), J. R. Lines (V8 Ford), Gordon ‘Wood (Lagonda) and many others. The 30/98 was excellent, Monro nearly setting his tyres on fire but failing high-up. Several Lancias failed to move away. Burt’s Triumph did not clear the summit, Grimmond’s Railton stopped its engine, but even tually snaked slowly upwards, and Mrs. Wood’s Singer failed, mis-firing CLASS 1 (up to 10 h.p.)

First-Class Awards : M. Fortlage (Ford); W. T). Corbett (Morris) ; W. F. F. M. Hurst (Riley) M. A. C. Shnmonds (Singer) ; W. M. Cooper (Talbot).

Seeond-Class Awards : B. H. Holloway, K. Buxton and Miss J. E. Weekes (Fords) •, D. L. kriault, T. G. Woollen, L. B. Dyball, E. K. Farley, and M. Sheppard (M 0.$); P. de F. C. Ryecrott and E. R. L. Crockatt (Rileys) : E. F. Griffiths, C. 0. Gibbs and 0. G. Parker (Singers).

Third-Class Awards : C. E. Taylor and G. Taylor (Altus) ; G. H. Goodson (Austin) ; F. L. Newall and J. E. Nuthall (M.G..) ; J. H. Goode and E. Taylor (Rileys) ; C. L. Johnson, P. L. Griffit hs, and P. J. Spaider (Singers) ; A. Goldman (S.s.). CLASS II (over 10 h.p. and up to 16 h.p.) First-Class Awards : W. P. Uglow (A.C. Ace) ; A. F. P. Pane (Frazer-Nash) ‘ • J. Eason Gibson (Frazer-Nash B.M.W.) ; Hon. B. E. Lewis and Lord Waleran (Lancia Augustas) ; 1). E. Calder (Riley) ; ; ;

D. C. Love and H. G. Macklin (Triumph) ; C. J. C. Wood (Wolseley).

Second-Class Awards : H. C. Hunter (FrazerNash B.M.W.) ; A. A. Bolsom (Wolseley) ; G. H. Robins (H.E.G.); F. L. Cox and H. R. Winnicot (M.G.$) (7. J. Redgrove (Rover) ; W. A. V. Davis, Miss J. Ast bury, 0. IL C. Goodban and C. J. Turner (Singers) ; II. F. Burt and F. K. Monroe (Triumphs).

Third-Class Awards : P. de Y. Bateson and S. H. Light. (A .C. Aces) ; L. Prideaux-Brune (AstonMartin) ; D. A. Aldington (Frazer-Nash) ; Miss P.

Rieliards( (Vrazer-Nash B.M.W.) ; C. E. Wood .(Wolseley) ;it. D. T. Millerand P. L. Bass (Lanelas); C. G. Allen (Avon Standard). CLASS HI (over 16 h.p.)

First-Class Awards : C. Follett (Alvis) ; G. Morrison (Ford) ; C. Sabey (Hudson) ; G. Wood (Lagonda).

Second-Class Awards : R. J. W. Appleton (itailton) ; R. D. (;regory (Bentley) ; J. C. Cavendish (Ford).

Third-Class Awards: A. G. Grimmond (Raton); H. A. Peek (Talbot): J. R. Lines (Ford); C. W. Richards (Vauxhall) ; R. C. .T. Hardy (Wolseley).