What Do You Know About Cars?


What Do You Know About Cars?


The first correct solution opened on February 15th was that sent by : Mr. W. Taylor, 12, Cairntleld Place, Aberdeen, to whom we have sent our cheque for one guinea.

The car in the photograph was the Talbot Darracq, driven by the late Sir Henry Seg,rave in the J.C.C. 200 Miles Race, when artificial corners were used at Brooklands for the first time. The correct solutions polled 46 per cent. of the total entry. The next most frequently suggested make was Salmson, followed by Amilcar and Miller.

PROBLEM No. 12. The rules for Problem No. 12 are as

are as follow :—

1. Cut out the coupon on the inside back cover, fill in your name and address and solution in block letters, and sent it to us in a sealed envelope, marked ” Competition.”

2. Any alterations or defacements on the coupon will automatically disqualify the entrant.

3. The Editor’s decision is final. 4. Entries must reach this office, 39, Victoria Street, London, S.W. 1, not

later than the first post. March 15th, and a prize of one guinea will be awarded to the sender of the first correct solution opened on that day.

5. More than one coupon may be included in one envelope.

6. No letter must be sent with the coupon.

7. The result will be published in our April issue.

S. Employees of MOTOR SPORT (1629), Ltd., are. not eligible to compete.