Brooklands Again on the 16th !


Brooklands Again on the 16th!

No surer sign of Spring can be found than the first yellow sheet Of Supplementary Regulations for the B.A.R.C. opening meeting at Brooklands.

The date this year is March 16th (Weather and other circumstances permitting). A programme of “Mountain,” Short and Long Handicaps, and Sprint Scratch races has been arranged, all designated by the prefix ” New Haw.”

Unfortunately, the weather can have a powerful influence on the repair-work now being carried out, particularly if a long frost should set in, so there is some uncertainty as to whether the full outer. circuit will be ready in time. If all goes well, however, the complete programme will be held, including the sprints, but the latter may be dropped in the event of overwhelming entries for the long and short handicaps.

Quite rightly, the Executive Committee are reserving the right to refuse the entry of cars which, in their opinion, are too slow. One or two cars run at B.A.R.C. meetings last year were a good deal slower than many of the sports cars in the enclosures, and their presence does no good to the reputation of B.A.R.C.

Meetings. Similarly, the entries of unknown drivers of fast cars will not be accepted.

Women drivers may enter for one each of the long and short handicaps, and the sprints, but are not eligible for the Mountain races. Racing starts at 2 p.m., and entries close at single fees on Monday, 4th March. Incidentally, the Racing Committee of the B.A.R.C. for 1935 is composed of the following officers : Dr. J. D. Benj afield,

the Earl of Brecknook, M. G. W. Burton, Capt. Sir Malcolm Campbell, J. R. Cobb, Major C. G. Coe, The Earl of Cottenham, S. C. H. Davies, Sir Algernon Guinness, Bart., K. Lee Guinness, the Earl Howe, C01. F. Lindsay Lloyd, Lionel Martin, and the ex-officio members of the Committee.