

The “Sport and ‘Varsity” Trial, run under the auspices of the Ulster Automobile Club, was held on Saturday, February 2nd. There was an entry of 36 cars, and the weather conditions turned out to be ideal. The first check was at the Kennels of the Co. Down Staghounds, and from there the trial led to Crossgar, Killinchy Cross Roads, and Ballywalter, finishing in Donaghadee. At the various checks competitors had to perform sundry musical, poetical and

artistic feats, foruhich proficiency marks were awarded. The judging was done by the competitors themselves. The average speed throughout the trial was 20 m.p.h. The winner proved to be F. M. Kilpatrick (Riley 9), who gained 12f marks ; while second place went to A. R. Scott (Hillman Minx) with a score of 5i marks. An enjoyable dance and cabaret wound up a most successful day. The following list of fixtures has been compiled to date :—

April 22nd and 23rd.—Ulster Motor Rally.

June 22nd.—International Co. Down Trophy Race.

August 31st.—Craigantlet Hill Climb. September 4th.—Coachwork Competition.

In addition to the above, the Spring and Autumn Trials, of a stiff nature, will be run on dates to be decided.

The Hon. Secretary of the Club is Capt. W. J. Thompson, 65, Chichester Street, Belfast, N. Ireland.