

Sir Malcolm Campbell is still waiting, at the time of writing, for better conditions at Daytona Beach before making an attempt to raise his own figures for

the world’s Kilometre and Mile records.

The famous Beach is in a very bad state, reports Sir Malcolm, and any attempt at high speed under present conditions is absolutely out of the question. Not only is the surface bad, but two curves spoil the straightaway so necessary for a full-bore run at nearly 300 m.p.h. To cap everything, a plague of sand worms has appeared. Villa and his team of mechanics have got ” Blue Bird” in perfect shape. A trial run was made on arrival at Daytona, and clutch slip was experienced, but this has now been remedied. In view of the fact that the car was necessarily untested before reaching Daytona, the little work that has been found necessary is a remarkable tribute to the designer and builders of the car. Incidentally, a siren is sounded when a trial run is to be made, and everyone rushes

down to the Beach for a glimpse of the car.

Meanwhile Sir Malcolm is passing away the difficult period of waiting in playing golf, occasionally joined by Kaye Don. Major A. T. C. Gardner, too, is at Daytona, and, of course, Lady Campbell and daughter Jean.