Facts and Figures


Facts and Figures Concerning 1-1-Litre St ndard Production Sports Cars

We have read with interest recent advertisements of certain manufacturers in which they claim to produce “.the hnest 14-litre sports car in the country,’ etc. Counterclaims to the same effect only add to the general cofnusion, and it seems to us that actual proof of performance—always provided, of course, you have that proof—is vastly more to the taste of the enthusiast interested in the 14-litre sports car market.

“The Autocar ” analysis of eighty representative makes of cars officially tested during 1933 shows (as in previous years) that the Frazer Nash has conspicuously the best all-round performance, with a marked superiority over other 14-litre cars tested.

The 1k-litre four-. and six-cylinder FraLer Nashes tested (gear ratios 11.75, 7, 4.8 and 3.8) had the best acceleration from /0 to 30 m.p.h. of the 71 English and Continental cars tested, and from to 50 of ALL English, Continental and American cars, with the sole exception of a 4-litre 8-cylinder American car (11 seconds as againt 11* seconds for the Frazer Nash) and the krilltest If:aril/um, speed of all the eighty cars tested, with the exception of the Continental 40-50 h.p. Rolls-Royce (7,668 c.c.) costing 12,425, and the Talbot” 105″ Speed model, costing £795-88.23 m.p.h. (4.36 top) as against 87.38 for the Frazer Nash (3.8 top).

Representative Successes of 1933.

MONTE CARLO RALLY, 1933. Best all-round performance (up to 1,500 c.c.) from John


Mont des Mules Hill Climb.

Fastest time (1,500 c.c.) and new class record. Fastest non-supercharged climb (irrespective of capacity)

and second fastest time of the day.


1,500 c.c. (Sports) 1st, 2nd and 3rd.

1,500 c.c. (Racing) 1st and 2nd.

2,000 c.c. (Sports), 1st (6-cylinder 1,657 c.c. Frazer Nash). M.A.C. Open Cup (Sports Cars). Best aggregate time

on two runs, irrespective of engine capacity.

M.A.C. Ladies’ Cup.

September, 1933.

1,500 c.c. (Sports) 1st.

M.A.C. Ladies’ Championship Cup.

(New Ladies’ Record: 48 seconds non-supercharaed Frazer Nash. 7/se Ladies Record had Inentously stood to the credit ol Mrs, )1 isdom’s Frazer Nash).

J.C.C. HIGH SPEED RELIABILITY TRIAL, June 24th, 1933 The first four cars to finish (44 entries), also Special Award for the most meritorious performance of the day. 4 Frazer Nash car entered-4 Special Awards.

STANLEY CUP (Inter-Club) COMPETTTION,July 8th,1933 Won by the Frazer Nash Car Club—the first time a team of three cars of similar make has won the Stanley Cup. “The Motor” said : “The newly formed Frazer Nash Club team secured an overwhelming victory, scoring 48 points as against their nearest rivals’ 25. In each of the eight races the Frazer Nashes ran with splendid high-speed consistency.”

INTERNATIONAL ALPINE SIX-DAY TRIAL, 1933. In last year’s Alpine Trial it was not only necessary to adhere to the severe schedule set throughout the Trial—in itself a far from easy task, but also to maintain this average speed lor the timed climbs of the Pordoi, Stelvio and Grand Gabbier passes. The 14-litre Frazer Nash was the ONLY English car (50 entries). irrespective of capacity, and the ONLY non-supercharged car of the complete entry (132 cars) to perform this supposedly impossible task, and in finishing without the loss of a single mark put up the finest performance in an event which is recognised as the most strenuous test in the world of a car’s general construction, reliability, speed, hill-climbing capabilities, acceleration and equipment. “Motor Sport” said : “The Frazer Nash team put up by far and away the most amazing performance of the whole ‘Frial. An analysis of the performances in the 1,500 c.c. class (based on actual marks lost by individual drivers) shows the following position :— H. J. Aldington First No marks lost L. Butler-Henderson Third I 4 A. L. Marshall Third C 4 A. G. Gripper Fourth 7

500 MILE RACE, 16th September, 1933.

The. Hon. P. Mitchell-Thompson’s Frazer Nash averaged 88.88 m.p.h. (top gear ratio 3.5 to 1) and was one of only seven cars to finish out of 31 starters.


(All Firsts, and Exclusive of Various Second and Third Places).

Opening Meeting (March).

Weybridge Lightning Mountain Handicap.

Easter Meeting.

Addlestone Mountain Handicap.

Whitsurz Meeting.

Cobham Senior Short Handicap.

Cobham Senior Mountain Handicap.

August Meeting.

Byfleet Short Handicap.

Byfleet Mountain Handicap.

Final Meeting (October). Woking Long Handicap (average speed 96.47, flying lap


ALL the above successes stand to the credit of unblown” models.

As members of the S.M.M.T. we cannot publish other successes gained by us or private owners in other events last year, but anyone interested will find ample proof in the published results of 1933 events of our claim that not only is the Frazer Nash the finest all-round sports car in production but at the same time the most successful 1,500 c.c. sports car in open competition. Remember, too, we are talking about standard production models owned and driven by bona-fide private owners, who maintain. prepare and enter their cars at their own expense—not” special’ cars with subsidized drivers.

At the same time these owners, and others who do not enter for competition work, find the Frazer Nash ideal as a business mans’ car with its capacity for putting up high average speeds on long runs, while the superb road-holding and absolute stability of the Frazer Nash on wet, frozen or greasy roads inspire the utmost confidence in the driver.

Write /or literature, or call and see us, Models from £175 -0 0, with standard equipment. London Road, Isleworth, Frazer Nash Cars, Mddx. Hounslow 0011 and 0012