CONTENTS, March 1934



PAGE J.C.C. opens the season with a well attended Rally, The 198

End of the ” Jenkin’s Case,” The … 199 An Interesting Secoadhand Car—1 litre Supercharged

Alfa-Romeo, The .. 200 Club News 201 Letters from Readers 203 Present Day Racing Cars No. 4—The M.G. Magnette 204 Lord Howe outlines his Mille Miglia Plans 208 j.R.D.C. Speed Trial, The 210 R.A.C. Rally, The 212 New M.G. Midgets 215 Rally Reviewed, The 217 Rumblings 223 Continental Notes 229

sews from the U.S.A. 233 Humber Snipe Sports Saloon, The 236 Two big Races at Brooklands 237

What do you know about Cars ? 238 The classes that bloom in the Spri ng—Tra in 239

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