The Bugatti car has always been a source of interest to the motoring enthusiast, and more recently the public at large have "discovered" Bugatti, while the book world produces bigger…
The equipment is designed to give the fullest pleasure and interest, and includes twin carburettors, hot spot manifold, “knock-on” racing wheels with self-locking hubs, Brooklands instruments, revolution counter and sports silencing system. Remote control gearbox, long steering column and I8in. Brooklands patent steering wheel, special high efficiency type radiator with
stoneguard front, Hartford shock absorbers. Heavy-duty single dry-plate clutch to give rapid take up of drive and ensure quick change. Coachbuilt body, special furniture hide upholstery, safety glass windscreen which folds flat. Adjustable seats with folding back, duat arm electric windscreen wiper. High-frequency tuned horns. Long range, high powered head lamps. SINGER AND COMPANY LIMITED, COVENTRY