

/T is quite apparent that the majority of motoring sportsmen had no idea that high speed motorboating was so inexpensive a pastime. The flood of correspondence that reached this office a day or two after the publication of the last issue, was most encouraging. For the benefit of those people who did not write to us, however, it is advisable to issue a few words of warning. Just because a 40 m.p.h. speedboat can be purchased for 255, it is not advisable to step straight into one, pull the starting cord, and expect it to behave just like a car. It doesn’t. A fast motorboat has all sorts of peculiarities. Simple ones, it is true, but they must be Imown and mastered. It is, therefore, advisable to consult someone who is used to hand

ling these craft and, if possible, go for a run with him, before Purchasing or using a high speed dinghy. Here again, we shall be pleased to help .anyone who is thinking of taking up this Sport. ‘1.he number of People who have actually taken up motorboating since our last issue, is considerable. Four enthusiasts from Oxford


University are preparing to travel in their dinghies from London to Belgrade in Serbia, which, in the words of Frank Hawkes is “Sure some hop.” The project is, however, quite practical and we look forward to hearing of their adventures. They will have some, all right.

Possibly there are some other adventures in the minds of readers ; adventures which have not yet reached the stage of manual activity. If so, we should like to hear about them. Perhaps we can help ? Remember ; if you must have adventure, the speed dinghy is the

inexpensive way to have it. No tax. No insurance. No license. ‘Light car’ petrol consumption. Two or more seats ; at the cost of a motorcycle. The tiny speed boat certainly has that ‘something’ that ought to make it popular but the ‘powers that be’ have sadly mishandled it, and it is only recently that boats and engines are being sold as a complete unit, and at a reasonable price. Fancy buying your car and then having to go to some other firm to get the engine ; and to crown it all, having to install it yourself. Engineers have a monosyllabic expression that seems, somehow, to fit a situation like this, and quite respectable people have been muttering it in the hearing of speedboat factors of late. The result is most gratifying, for there

are now some excellent little craft on the market at most reasonable prices. Among these is the P.C.S. Silver Queen,’ a beautifully finished 13ft. speed dinghy with “long distance” tanks, compass, and all instruments, for 285.

Speed dinghies are also being sold at as little as 240. No wonder their popularity is on the increase.