The Colmore Trial


he Colmore Trial

ADAY or so before the “Col

L% ” was run on the 13th of last month, it looked as if the hard frost was going to make the course fairly simple. However, the organisers were lucky, and a thaw made conditions decidedly more difficult than was expected, the result being a very successful trial.

The start was from the Unicorn at Stratford-on-Avon, and the first incident of importance was the driving test, which in this trial plays the chief part in finding a winner.

The test consisted of a start with engines dead, then a stop between Trmrked lines. From here the cars were timed from a standing start, round a hairpin bend, to a stop between further marks.

The organisers had salted the snow, and as a result the road was in good condition for the test, which produced some very neat driving. Magnas, Frazer-Nashes, and Hornets showed up particularly well, Langley and Barnes on the first-named being particularly fast. Evidently the Sutton Coldfield and Birmingham Club believed in getting the special tests over early, for a few miles further on the brake test was held. Two lines seventyfive yards apart were marked on a hill, and the cars stopped with engines dead, in neutral. The test

consisted of coasting down to the second line and stopping as soon as possible, a formula having been decided on to give a figure of merit. Thorpe’s M.G. showed up well as did Langley (M.G.), and Raymond Way (Rover), R. W. Johnston (Wolseley Hornet), and Mann and Lees (Frazer-Noshes).

The first hill was Blockley, which had a long water splash at the foot, but which Gtherwise caused no particular trouble. There was a halt at Winchcombe, and after this Bushcombe, which had caused unexpected trouble in the Gloucester, was tackled. On this occasion, no special tests being included, thE hill was successfully dealt with by nearly alt competitors, Langley and Barnes on M.G. being closely followed by Lawford’s Riley for the best climbs, and Cowcill’s FrazerNash being very fast. Piccadilly was the next hill, and the surface was sufficiently tricky to require considerable care in driving. The best climb of the day was undoubtedly that of H. W. Blaw’s Frazer-Nash, H. J. Aldington on a similar car also being very quick The M.G. Magnas were mainly good again here, though Watkinson

blotted his copy-book by nearly wiping off his battery on a rock, which in no way assisted his coil ignition and caused his failure.

The task of finding a winner was not left to the early tests, and the next affair was a stop and restart on the very ” shotaway ” surface of Stanway. Here Mrs. Vaughan was very good, while the best times were put up by Patrick’s and Wardle’s Hornets and Barnes’ M.G. Magna, their rather low bottom gears proving very us_ful on the getaway.

A further stop and restaft was held on a slightly lesser gradient on Athetstone hill. Barnes again shone, as did H. J. Aldington’s FrazerNash, but many of the sports cars were unexpectedly slow off the mark on this occasion.

This being the last special test, there was nothing to do but get back to the finish and tea, and speculate on the results.

[For these see page 238].


THE COLMORE TROPHY (best car per_ formance).—A Langley (M.G. Magna).

THE BERNARD NORRIS CUP (best performance over 1,100 c.c. capacity).— F. S. Barnes (M.G. Magna).

THE RHODE CUP (best performance under 1,100 c.c. capacity).—H. B. Prestwich (M.G. Midget).

THE COMMITTEE TEAM PRIZE.— The Sun,bac Team (j. G. Orford, F. S. Barnes, W. W. Whithall). FIRST-CL ASS A W ARDS.—H. C.Wardle (Hornet), W. R. Nimmo (Frazer Nash), J. 0. A. Roe (Riley), G. B. Goodman (Morris), P. Lees (Frazer Nash), C. H. Lawford (Riley), E. R. Oliver (Clyno), L. A. Cowcill (Frazer Nash), J. S. Bass (Alvis), A. Squillario (Morris), H. W. Blaw (Frazer Nash), F. Sforza (Magna), J. G. Orford (Austin), J. A. M. Patrick (Hornet), W. W. Whithall (M.G.), R. M. Mere (M.G.), W. J. B. Richardson (Singer), R. J. P. Morley (A.C.), W. Mason (Riley),

F. W. J. Bolton (Morris), J. R. Temple (M.G.), H. W. Burman (Lea-Francis). SECOND-CLASS AWARDS.—H. Metchim (Austin), R. A. Brown (Austin), G. A. Hobbins (Frazer Nash), J. A. Bastock (M.G ), J. A. W. Thorpe (M.G.),

S. F. Ryland (Morris), R. J. B. Seaman (Riley), R. J. W. Appleton (Riley), Mrs. M. Vaughan (Triumph), H. Laird (Hornet), H. J. Aldington (Frazer Nash),

A Midget climbing Piccadilly. J. R. H. Baker (Hornet), A. A. Baring (Frazer Nash), E. C. Mann (Frazer Nash), V. W. Derrington (Hornet), S. H. Roe (Riley), R. Way (Rover), R. J. Richardson (Austin), G. G. C. Knight (Austin), Miss M. H. Lund (M.G.), J. B. Carver (M.G.), N. H. Cole (M.G.), J. D. Barnes (Singer), H. C. Hunter (Riley), C. F. Albnison. (Riley), D. West (Frazer Nash),

M. E. King (Frazer Nash), R. W. Johnston (Hornet), H. S. etuadey (Prazer Nash), F. S. Hutchens (Hornet), j. P. Jefferson (Hornet), Miss M. V. Milne (Austin), C. Mann (Ford).

THIRD-CLASS AWARDS. -J. F. Kemp (M.G.), A. E. Carr (Morris), J. A. Berry (M.G.), A. C. Fairtlough (Aston-Martin), J. H. Summerfield (M.G.).