


ON Friday, 5th February, the famous American pilot, Gar Wood, succeeded in winning back the water speed record. He had just previously reached a mean speed of 110.78, but this was not the required amount above Kaye Don’s speed to rank as a record. However, the supercharged Packard engines had. proved satisfactory, and it was evident that Miss America IX. now has the necessary speed. On the above date he returned a mean speed of 111.7 m.p.h., and Gar Wood is now pleased with his effort, and has only to wonder how soon we shall cause him to have to go out again.

A great deal of work has gone on with this boat recently, and as a result of the increased power, and modifications to the loading of the boat, greater steadiness has been obtained, as well as greater speed. His figures have been submitted to Brussels for official confirmation, and the next stage in the battle for the world’s speed record on water must be opened from this side.

Miss England III. is now being proceeded with at Thorneycrofts, and although being built more for handiness and general stability than for sheer speed, the power of the latest Rolls engines should also make it possible for this boat to recapture the record for Britain. The general layout of the new “Miss England” will be on fairly normal lines, twin screws without a very

high propellor speed being likely. The excessive revs. used in the first two ” Miss Englands,” although unexpectedly successful, were ready only necessary to avoid the big torque reaction of a large screw. Hence the fact that 12,000 r.p.m. was necessary to transmit the colossal power available. The use of twin screws with opposite rotation should make the efficient use of some 5,000 h.p. an easier matter.

The Italians can certainly set us an example in the way of encouraging entrants for a big meeting. For the International Regatta at Lake Garda at the end of May, they are inviting outside competitors to come and stay there at their expense, and the railway charges for competitors are to be specially reduced. All particulars can be obtained from Arthur Bray, 114, Baker Street, London, W.1.


Mr. R. C. Cole recently left London for Paris on his Watermota engined dinghy to attempt the double journey to Paris and back. After a stormy passage round the North Foieland, in which the little craft stood up well to heavy seas, he reached Dover, and at the time of writing is held up there pending some improvement in the weather. A full description of the boat, and the log of the full voyage will appear in our next issue.