club news, March 1932


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TEM secretary of the B.R.D.C., Mr H. N. Edwards, has asked us to make it known to secretaries of other clubs that he will be glad if they can supply him with a few copies of the regulations for competitions being organised during the current year. Mr. Edwards states that members of the B.R..D.C. are continually asking for particulars of competitions, and he suggests that if these were available in the B.R.D.C.’s club room it is possible that such events might be even better supported than at present by members of his club.

Correspondence in connection with this matter should be sent to :—The Secretary, The British Racing Drivers’ Club, Bangalore House, Newton Street, Kingsway, London, W.C.2.


The Kent and, Sussex Light Car Club, which is responsible for the popular Lewes Speed Trials, inform us that this year these will be held on the following dates :7th May, 18th June, 10th September. The headquarters of this club are at

the White Hart Hotel, Lewes, and the honorary secretary is Mr. H. V. Warren, of 51, Ringwood Road, Eastbourne.


The Services Trial will be held on the 30th April next. The start will be from Maiden,.head, as last year, and the route will be practically the same as for the last event. The inclusion of Alms Hill is, of course, dependent upon the decision of the local authority regarding the closing of the hill to general motor traffic.

Entry forms will shortly be available and all communications should be addressed to : The Organiser, C.S.M.A. Ltd., 11, Victoria Street, London, S.W.1.


The Hornet Car Club, whose membership has now almost reached, the hundred mark, has arranged quite an extensive programme for the coming season. On Saturday next, 5th March, there is a visit to the offices of the “News of the World,” and to their printing press, and it is proposed to hold an Easter Gathering, which will include reliability trial, dance,

etc., with headquarters at Stratford-onAvon.

A treasure hunt is to be held on 24th April to which members of the Bugatt Owners’ Club have been invited, and on 21st May there is to be a speed trial.

Any Hornet owner, who is not already a member, but would like to receive particulars of the Club, should write to the hon. secretary, 12, Berkeley Street, London, W.1., when these will be forwarded, to him.

The hon. secretary would also be glad to hear of any Hornet owner who is, or is not, a member of the Club, who wishes to enter for the Relay Grand Prix, as it is hoped to enter at least three or four teams for this from the Hornet Car Club.