

BRITISH light cars continue to set up notable performances abroad in. the way of reliability and speed. Driving a 9 h.p. Riley tourer, Gordon Collins, the well-known South African racing motorist, has now broken the Durban to Johannesburg record once again. On the first occasion he knocked 71 minutes off the light car record, covering over 400 miles of very bad roads at 45 m.p.h. On the latest attempt he averaged no less than 55 m.p.h. and thus acquired the record for cars of unlimited size. Until Collins showed what could be done with a 1,100 c.c. British car, this record had stood to the credit

of high-powered American cars tor many years.

A novel feature of the attempt was that the motorist’s progress was observed the whole time from the air. At the conclusion of the trip the aeroplane went ahead and the aviators landed and officially recorded the time of the car’s arrival.