


QNJ of the most remarkable things about the latest M.G. effort of reaching nearly 120 m.p.h. for the mile and kilometre, is the fact that the conditions were anything but favourable, and there is little doubt that, given improved conditions, the speed would have been even higher.

As it is, the performance is one of which anyone interested in the progress of engine design must be very proud to see accomplished by a British car and driver.

Also in this case the driver has had so much to do with the technical side of the record, that it is a twofold triumph for him. Let us hope that the enterpnse of the M.G. Car Company, in developing their product by an intensive racing programme will inspire those makers who do not race to take up the sport and reap the benefit which

successful entry to the competition world would bring with it.

The car was a specially built single-seater with offset transmission, arranged with the axle gearing on one side. so that the driver could sit between the cardan shaft and the frame of the car.

A solid axle was employed to reduce wheelspin, and the car gave no trouble. Weather conditions were bad, and the sand was heavy in parts, causing some drag in certain places on the car’s record runs. Talking it over with 1yston after the event, we asked him if the heaviness of the sand would not be worse for actual speed on such a small car than on a good hard track. His opinion, however, is that the advantage of the fiat level surface of the sand outweighs the disadvantage of its rather higher resistance to the car’s progress. He

explained that although when resting on a wet beach the car tended gradually to sink in, when at speed it was on each part of the surface for too short a time for the drag to be appreciable.

His chief troubles were caused by the temporary failure of the electrical timing apparatus, which meant that Eyston had to wait three hours in the car while things were put right, during which time it was very trying having to keep the car warmed up, waiting for the start.

Then the first run was completed and the apparatus failed to register owing to lack of oil. However, all was well at last, and the highest speeds ever made with a 750 c.c. engine were officially recorded.

The actual mean speeds were :— Mile : 118.39 m.p.h.

Kilometre : 118.36 m.p.h.

A very wonderful achievemeat.