


Diesel Car at Daytona. a private cable to Messrs. C. C. Wakefield & Co. Ltd., Mr. C. L. Cummins, the well-known American engineers

announces that in the course of a trial officially observed by the Contest Board of the American Automobile Association his Diesel-engined car established a record for this type of vehicle of 100.75 m.p.h.

This remarkable success should encourage still further experiments with this type of power unit, not only in commercial vehicles but also in private cars. Next to its extreme simplicity, the leading feature of the Diesel engine is its low running cost. Not only is fuel consumption lower, but the actual cost of the fuel is only a few pence a gallon, since it is designed to run on heavy oil.

An interesting feature of this record at Daytona is that although both the driver and the car were American, the lubricating oil used was ” Deusol,” a product of C. C. Wakefield & Co. Ltd.

From Sands to Stands. has been decided to exhibit the Austin Seven on which Captain Malcolm Campbell recently broke the Inter

national Class “H” Record at Daytona, on the Austin Company’s stand at • the Buenos Aires Exhibition.

As the Campbell-Napier “Blue Bird” will also be on view, visitors to the Exhibition will have an opportunity of comparing Britain’s latest record breakers.

B.R.D.C. Officers for 1931. the Annual General Meeting of the British Racing Drivers’ Club, confirmation was given of the presen tation of the Club’s Awards of Merit for outstanding performances during 1930 as follows :

Road Racing Star.—Capt. Woolf Barnato. Brooklands Star.—S. C. H. Davis. Brooklands Lap Record.—Kaye Don. Ditto and French Grand Prix per

formance.—Capt. H. R. S. Birkin..

It was also decided that the Club should recognise, by means of a special award, the magnificent achievements at Montihery of Mrs. G. M. Stewart.

The following officers for the ensuing year were elected by ballot :President.—The Earl Howe.

Vice Presidents .—Capt. Woolf Barnato, Dr. J. D. Benjafield, Capt. Malcolm Campbell, John R. Cobb, K. Lee Guiness.

Hon. Secretary.—H. N. Edwards. Hon. Treasurer.—H. W. Cook. Hon. Press Secretary.—Alan C. Hess. Hon. Auditors.—E. Fronteras and Major C. G. Coe. Committee.–Capt. W. Barnato, Dr. J. D. Benjafield, Capt. W. 0. Bentley, L. G. Callingham, Capt. Malcolm Campbell, J. R. Cobb, Major C. G. Coe, S. C. H. Davis, B. E. Lewis, H. P. McConnell,

Capt. A. Frazer Nash and Capt. A. C. R. Waite.

Winter Motor Tours. survey, by the Automobile Association, of applications for winter itineraries now being

received at its numerous offices, reveals some interesting facts. In the first place, comparative figures for London are larger than those for the same period, 12 months ago, but in the Provinces the change is not appreciable.

The choice of touring grounds has extended and the tendency is for pleasure traffic to go farther afield. Motorists are seeking the lesser known resorts even if these happen to be at a greater distance. The continually improving roads, the faster cars and the greater comfort of saloon bodies are, no doubt, additional factors in these developments. It has been noticed that the A.A. weather and road reports, broadcast by the B.B.C., have a direct influence on the choice of routes.

There is also a marked increase in Continental touring, with. a. tendency to greater distances and, wider interests.

2,500,000 Miles. informative and attractively produced little booklet on tyre testing has been published by the Dunlop

Company. It is entitled “How Dunlop Quality Is Maintained..” It deals with the Dunlop test fleet which annually covers 2,500,000 tyre and wheel miles and contains illustrations and descriptions of the laboratories, rotary testing machines—which whirl a tyre at the end of a long arm round a roughened track— impact testing machines and other novel devices for ascertaining what the tyres can stand. There is also a description of an unusual temperature test, in which special needles, which give rise to minute electric currents as the temperature changes, are stuck into the tyre.

Copies of the booklet can be obtained from the General Service Manager, Fort Dunlop.

Batteries and Winter Starting. the electric starter became a fully-developed and standard part of a car’s equipment it was the

unfortunate driver who had a strenuous time in setting the motor in action during the wintertime. Now it is the battery. Everyone with a “mechanical mind” and a general knowledge of the working of the starter must experience an uncomfortable feeling on hearing the laboured grinding of the Bendix as a gummed-up engine is set into reluctant life.

The stresses imposed on the battery under such conditions are, of course, very considerable, and unless it is of sound and robust design, its life is bound to be a limited one.

During the past few months, we have had the opportunity of testing a ” Pertrix ” battery on%a Motor Sport staff car, and a special point was made of ill-using it in order to reproduce the ordinary everyday treatment to which this part of the electrical installation is subjected in the average private-owner’s hands.

No attempt was made to ” nurse ” it, and in addition to being called upon to start up an engine of a rather stubborn type, every morning for several months, the battery supplied the current for the usual five-lamp lighting set for long periods at a stretch.

The ” Pertrix ” showed up extremely well during the whole period of trial, and upon being dismantled for the purpose of examination, the internal condition was found to be perfect. ” Pertrix ” batteries are made by Britannia Batteries, Ltd., of Redditch, who are, of course, one of the oldest firms in the accumulator industry.

New Traffic Control’s Nick Names. who are not keen to borrow the American term” speed. cop ” as a nick-name for our new

traffic police are trying to evolve something snappy and appropriate.

Many names have been suggested. A coach driver who was held up and cautioned on the Great North Road last week applied a few striking and expressive names, but they are not suitable for general circulation.

Two suggestions which find favour are ” Mounties,” suggestive of a chase over great open spaces, and ” Berties,” in honour of Herbert Morrison who sponsored them. But the one with most popular appeal is ” Crikeys “—after the twoheaded policeman in the famous petrol advertisement.

Pedestrians, enjoying the chase from the comparative security of the ditch, will soon be taking up the slogan” That’s a Crikey, that was “—or so we’re told.