CLUB NEWS, March 1931


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Sir Arthur Stanley was unanimously re-elected president of the Junior Car Club at the annual general meeting, which took place at the RA.C. recently. The Council was also re-elected as constituted last year, the members of the 1931 Council therefore being Messrs. B. H. Austin, E. Burt, A. J. Crump, S. C. H. Davis, W. ‘Urquhart Dykes, H. N. Edwards, E. C. Gordon England, F. J. Findon, H. R. Godfrey, E. Hancock, Prof. A. M. Low, Lionel Martin, Hugh P. McConnell, A. Frazer Nash, J. Gordon °flora, C. J. Randall, A. R. C. Waite, L. H. White.

The secretary reported that the past year had been a good one and that the membership had slightly increased. (The actual figure is close on 1,500 and the club is still the largest one affiliated to the R.A.C.). During the meeting a suggestion that the 200-Mile Race should be revived in a form which limited the entry to stock cars was made, and the new Council promised to give the matter its consideration.


About a hundred members and friends were present at the annual dinner and dance of the Yorkshire Centre of the Junior Car Club, which was held in Leeds.

The chairman of the Centre, Mr. C. D. Wilson, presided, and amongst those present were several representatives from the London headquarters, including Mr. L. F. Dyer, the general secretary of the club. There were also a number of representatives from the club’s Liverpool and North Wales Centre, whilst several members had come quite long distances for the function.

In the course of his speech, Mr. Dyer congratulated the Centre on the progress it had made, both financially and from the membership standpoint, during 1930. The opportunity was taken to present a memento from the council in London to Mr. C. Horner, the hon. secretary of the Centre, who is retiring at the annual general meeting in Leeds this month.

Dancing was started before dinner and continued after until 2 a.m., when the gathering broke up after a thoroughly enjoyable evening.


The secretaryship of the Bugatti Owners’ Club has now been taken over by Mr. K. W. Bear, 5, Fenchurch Street, London, E.C.3.

ULSTER M.C.C. At the first meeting of the new cora

mittee, held in Belfast a short time ago, Mr. J. W. Shaw was re-elected chairman, Mr. W. MeWilliam was co-opted a member in place of Mr. W. J. White, and. Messrs. Shaw, A. Waddell, A. G. Kennedy and G. A. Savage were selected as delegates to the Ulster Centre, M.C.U.I.

Twelve new members were elected, and Mr. W. J. McCracken said he would present a prize to the member of the club who got the largest number of members during the year.

It was decided to arrange Wednesday evening trials on April 22nd, May 20th, June 17th, July 15th, August 19th and Sept. 16th, and to have a cup for the member securing the highest aggregate marks in the events.

The Committee also decided to run the McCrurn Cup trial on March 14th and the Moles Cup trial, on Easter Tuesday.