

A Well-Merited Honour.

the land speed record was once more raised further from possible attacks by other countries, with the amazing speed of 246.08

m.p.h., the whole country was in praise of the man who had achieved this feat. We now have the pleasure of joining in congratulating Sir Malcolm Campbell on his great effort, and especially on the honour that His Majesty has conferred on him in recognition of the very real service he has rendered to England. It is doubly gratifying to feel that the real origin of this honour has not been lost sight of, and that a definite success of this sort, attained after continual striving, by personal skill, and at a risk which is as unknown as the conditions under which the success is achieved, is rewarded still by the honour of knighthood. It is due to the persever ance and keenness of men

like Sir Malcolm that the sport of motor racing has been raised to the level of a national institution, and while retaining the romance of all great adventure, has the additional value of increasing the prestige of Britain and of British trade throughout the world. In such a record, success depends on the wholehearted co-operation of everyone connected with the tesign and construction of the car, and it is impossible to detail the many aspects where credit is due. How ever, in offering our congra

tulations to Sir Malcolm Campbell we must not forget the part played by Mr. Fred Railton, the designer of the car. Nor must we forget the generosity of Miss Marion Carstairs, who, without any public announcement or fuss of any kind, gave financial aid without which the attempt could not have been made.

The ” Bluebird’s ” sensational performance at Daytona has been a leading topic of discussion throughout the civilised world, and England is proud of her and her driver. Meanwhile, things augur well for the future in regard to our high-speed records and reputation in those other elements—the water and the air. “Miss England II” and Don are ready, and in spite of official shilly shallying and the resultant pother, when the Schneider Contest is held, six months from now, we shall be there. With confidence, therefore, we can hope to show the world once again that for all the wailings of our tame pessimists, we are still tile swiftest country in the world. Not that we can afford to rest on our laurels our friendly rivals are ex tremely busy. But the position which we hold to-day should encourage us in further efforts, and should finally remove that inferi ority complex, which to gether with a stoical com placency is said to be jeo pardising our position as a

leader amongst nations.