CLUB NEWS, March 1930




AT the Annual General Meeting of The New Cyclecar Club, due to bz. held at the R.A.C. London, on February 10th, a proposition making it a condition of membership that every candidate duly approved by the Council shall sign the “safe driving” declaration of the Road Fellowship League, will be considered. At the same meeting members will be asked to approve of a new title for the club, namely, The Light Car Club. In an interview the Hon. Secretary said :—

” The Road Fellowship League is of course an offshoot of The National ‘Safety First’ Association and the declaration outlines a code of road manners to which every decent minded motorist should have no difficulty in adhering. The proposal is not an admission that motorists as a body are at fault, but the first definite attempt on the part of a social and sporting motoring body—apart from the bigger bodies such as the R.A.C. to which, of course, the new body will be affiliated—actively to associate itself with the dictates of’ Safety First’ and to show that motorists fully realise the present grave position with regard to accidents and the need for doing everything possible to ease it.

” Members of the proposed Light Car Club will be affiliated to The Road Fellowship League and so keen is the Council of the Club in its desire to bring the idea to a successful fruition that the capitation fee will be included in a subscription rate no higher than that charged by other clubs which include R.A.C. benefits in their programme.

” I feel sure that the scheme will make an instant appeal to motorists and a good impression on that section of the public which considers that motorists are not sufficiently alive to their responsibilities. It should be remembered that The Road Fellowship League embraces all classes—including pedestriansso we are endeavouring to range ourselves beside the rest of the community in a great and important work. We also appeal mainly to the owners of small cars, the people who, in hundreds of cases, are new motorists—another point in our favour.

“If the scheme is approved, Lord. Brentford, who as the late Home Secretary did so much in the cause of’ Safety First ‘, will be asked whether he will accept the office of President. The proposed club will number no paid servants amongst its officials, everybody will work for the love of the thing, and we are looking forward to a big membership.”

Other objects of the proposed Light Car Club are to encourage the development of 3-wheeled cyclecars and cars having engines of less than 1500 c.c. and to promote good fellowship amongst all owners. Sporting events will be confined to 3-wheeled cyclecars and cars up to 1500 c.c., but an attractive social programme —as well as full R.A.C. benefits—will be open to all, no matter what size of car they own.


At the Annual General Meeting of the Junior Car Club held in London on 23rd January, the Hon. Sir Arthur Stanley was unanimously re-elected as President of the Club for the year 1930. For his past services as Honorary General Secretary, Mr. A. Percy Bradley’s name was added to the existing Vice Presidents. Major Frank H. Vale and Mr. A. I. Logette were reelected as Honorary Treasurer and Hon. Solicitor respectively, and Mr. L. F. Dyer will act as General Secretary.

The seventeen members of the 1929 Council were returned for 1930 and Capt A. R. C. Waite, who is the London Manager of the Austin Motor Company, was also elected to serve on the governing body of the Club.

The meeting was very well attended and a large number of members displayed their keenness in the welfare of the Club. The Secretary’s Report that the membership had increased during the year and that the J.C.C. continued to hold its position as the largest Associated Club in the country was warmly received. The Treasurer was able to record an improved Financial position as the result of the past year’s working.

A resolution passed at the meeting permits persons not owning a car to be enrolled as” Social” members at an annual subscription of 15/or 10/6 if their place of residence does not permit them to participate in the events held in London and district.


The record total of 340 members and friends of the South Western Centre of the Junior Car Club were present at the South Western Hotel, Southampton, for the Annual Dinner and Dance of the Centre on Wednesday, 22nd January. The chair was taken by Mr. ‘1. G. Hayter, of Southampton, who is also Chairman of the Branch and the Mayors and Mayoresses of Southampton and Winchester were present. During the course of the speeches tribute was paid by the Mayor of Southampton to the splendid pioneer work of the Junior Car Club in evolving and holding competitions, the results of which were of undoubted benefit to the motor industry. Mention was also made of the excellent work which had been done by the Club in the Southampton district during the past year. After the Dinner, dancing was enjoyed by the gathering until long after midnight.


A party of about 100 members and guests of the Yorkshire Centre of the Junior Car Club celebrated another year of the Club’s activities in the Leeds district on Friday, 24th January. Mr. C. D. Wilson, Chairman of the Centre, presided and Mr. A. I. Logette and Mr. L. F. Dyer were present as representatives of the London Council, The Yorkshire Centre has made rapid. strides in membership during the past year and has a greatly improved financial position. Many new members have recently been elected. and an energetic Committee has already scheduled a comprehensive list of fixtures for the forthcoming season. During the course of the evening, Mrs. Wilson presented prizes to successful competitors in the various 1929 competitions, including the A. I. Greenwood Challenge Cup which had been won by the Chairman.

Representatives of the Liverpool and North Wales Centre were present at the function, and Mr. Matthews on behalf of the Liverpool Committee officially presented the Inter-Centre Challenge Shield to the Leeds Branch. This is the second year in succession in which the Yorkshire Branch has gained the shield from their Liverpool neighbours.

The dancing did not terminate until 2 a.M. and the function was very successful no matter from what point it was viewed.

The Annual L inner and Dance of the Liverpool and North Wales Centre will be held at the Exchange Hotel, Liverpool, on ‘St. Valentine’s Day , Friday, 14th February.


It is announced by the Junior Car Club that the winner of the British Double Twelve Hour Race in 1930 will receive a Rudge Whitworth trophy and a cash prize to a total of 250 guineas. These awards, which will be won outright, will be in addition to the S.M.M. and T. Challenge Trophy and replica.

It is understood that the trophy which has been awarded by Messrs. Rudge Whitworth Ltd. is being specially made and will be very original in design.


A special Club Dance is to be held at the” Kings Head Hotel,” Berkhampsted, Herts, on Wednesday, 5th March, and a hearty invitation is extended to any motorist to come along for an enjoyable evening. Evening dress optional ; time, 8 p.m. to 12 p.m. At the recent Annual General Meeting the following officers were elected :—President : P. 0. Hicks, Esq. ; Chairman : L. G. Jennings, Esq.; Captain : F. Rust, Esq.; Trials Sec. : A. Paul, Esq. ; Treasurer : F. Groom, Esq. ; Hon. General Sec. : W. E. J. Kentish. Esq. An extensive programme has been mapped out for this season, and new members (who should apply to the Hon. Sec. as above) will be given a hearty welcome.

Next season’s programme will consist of Trials, Treasure Hunts, Social Runs, Grass Track Racing, and Speed Hill Climbs, etc. The club is affiliated to the A.C.TJ. (South Midland Centre).