A New M.G. Model for this Season


A N ew MG. Model for this Season

The 18/80 M.G. Six 2-Seater Sports.

Details of the Mark H.

T. new factory of the M.G. Car Company at Abingdon is now finished, and the first of the Mark II models are on the erecting tracks. The range of models available for the present year is wide, and will appeal to all classes of motor sportsmen.

The Mark I six-cylinder model is unaltered from last year, and embodies an overhead camshaft engine of 2468 c.c., fitted with two S.U. carburettors and coil ignition, and a three speed unit construction gearbox. Drive is taken from a universal joint behind the gearbox through a ball jointed torque tube to the bevel driven back axle. The frame is of heavy section, upswept front and rear, and springing is by four semi elliptic springs assisted by Hartford shock absorbers. Lever and pedal are independently coupled to the four wheel brakes, which are fitted with single point adjustments. The Mark II retains the good points of the earlier model, but is fitted with a four speed gearbox, embodying a silent third gear, and centre ball bearings for main and layshaft. The frame has been stiffened by a stouter centre cross girder, a front tie rod, and an additional pressing to brace the rear of the chassis. Springs are wider, and are fitted with Silentbloc shackles. *. 14in. brake drums are fitted to all wheels

The Mark II, which will be available in the middle of March, costs 2550, which the Mark I is available at 2445.

Much interest has been caused by the announcement during February of a road racing model. This car, which is called the Mark III, is fitted with an engine of similar capacity to that used in the Mark II, but with a high compression head fitted with two plugs per cylinder and a new camshaft. Dry sump lubrication is a feature, and the crank case sump is separate from the flywheel compartment. An oil tank is carried between the front dumb irons, and is fitted with an oil cleaner.

A large petrol tank holding 25 gallons is used and is provided with a quick filling device. A light four seater body complying with International Regulations is standard, and the price of the complete car is fixed at 2895. This model will be raced by private owners during the coming season, and one car has been entered in the Double Twelve.

The M.G. midget is unaltered, but a neat coupe with sliding roof and Triplex glass is now in production at 2245.